
We are pleased to announce that journalist Kim Tae Wook from JoongAng Ilbo visited our university and explored the local technology sector this early May.

Institute members with journalist Kim Tae Wook during his visit this May.

Institute members with journalist Kim Tae Wook during his visit this May. From left to right: Dr. Vytautas Jukna, Dr. Balys Momgaudis, Dr. Domas Paipulas, reporter Kim Tae Wook, PhD student Erikas Atkočaitis and institute director Dr. Dalia Kaškelytė.


His comprehensive report highlights Lithuania's cutting-edge advancements in semiconductor and laser technology, underscoring the pivotal role of industry-academia cooperation. Kim Tae Wook's article sheds light on how Lithuania, with its robust network of over 60 laser companies, has become a global leader in this field. The strong collaboration between universities and industries is identified as a key factor driving this success. For those interested in reading the full translated article, please click here.You can also access the original article in Korean here.



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