
laserlab logo rgbVilnius University Laser Research Center (VULRC) has been a part of Laserlab-Europe since its inception in 2004. Laserlab-Europe is a network of European laser research infrastructures funded by the European Union. It brings together 35 leading organizations in laser-based inter-disciplinary research from 18 countries. Together, they perform joint research activities dealing with the most important scientific challenges in laser research.

Research fields include biomedical and life science applications of lasers, innovative laser technologies, photonic techniques in materials science and high-intensity laser development. Laserlab-Europe is pushing the laser concepts into new directions and opening new application fields, both for the benefit of the European user community and for optical sciences and technologies as a whole.

24 Laserlab-Europe facilities (including VULRC) offer access to their labs for research teams from Europe and beyond. The main objectives of Laserlab-Europe are:

  • to promote, in a coordinated way and on a European scale, the use of advanced lasers and laser-based technologies for research and innovation;
  • to serve a cross-disciplinary user community, from academia as well as from industry, by providing transnational access to a comprehensive set of advanced laser research facilities;
  • to increase the European basis of human resources in the field of lasers;
  • to improve human and technical resources through technology exchange and sharing of expertise among laser experts and operators across Europe;
  • to enable world-class research, innovations and applications beyond the present state-of-the-art through coordinated Joint Research Activities. 

Transnational Access is provided by Laserlab-Europe Consortium:

  • to world-class laser research facilities,
  • to a large variety of inter-disciplinary research, including life sciences,
  • free of charge, including travel and accommodation.

Access is granted on the basis of scientific excellence of research proposals, reviewed by an external and independent selection panel. Priority is given to new users.

If you would like to perform your own experiments at a Laserlab-Europe facilities, including VULRC, please see

Laserlab‐Europe Talks

Laserlab‐Europe Talks are a series of online seminars and panel discussions organized by the Laserlab‐Europe community on specialized topics. They offer a vibrant platform for regular knowledge exchange and idea sharing among a diverse audience—from PhD students and experts to industry and medical professionals. The sessions, held monthly on Wednesday afternoons, showcase cutting‐edge insights in laser research.

Youtube Explore the latest talks on the Laserlab‐Europe YouTube channel.

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