The University seeks to develop and ensure an organisational culture that enables everyone to feel safe and accepted, to foster his/her individuality and to realise his/her potential. Each of us has a responsibility not to, through actions and words, contribute to creating a hostile environment for an individual person or a group.
If you have experienced, noticed or learned about cases of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, violence or persecution at VU Life Scineces Center, please seek help by contacting to the employee responsible for the prevention of discrimination at LSC – Deputy Director for studies dr. Pranciškus Vitta.
Also, you may reach out to the immediate superior or the head of the unit where you, the targeted person, or the complainee works or studies;
or to the Trust Line by email: . Upon providing the initial information, you will be contacted to discuss the situation, to identify possible ways of helping, and to find the most appropriate solutions. During the process of seeking help, confidentiality is ensured.
In addition to seeking help, the Trust Line can also be contacted to submit an official report on an incident(s) to the Commission for the Prevention and Investigation of Cases of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Violence and Persecution at Vilnius University.
More information The University’s provisions, the submission of the report and the investigation process are detailed on