1. Measurement and research with the high-intensity facility
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
All or part of the facility can be used (depending on the kind of study). The facility consists of: 1. Pharos Light Conversion femtosecond Yb:KGW oscillator with amplifier 6W average power diode-pumped high-repetition rate femtosecond Yb:KGW laser. Maximum repetition rate is 200 kHz. Central wavelength 1030 nm, pulse duration 300 fs. 2. Dazzler acousto-optic modulator for spectral phase and amplitude programming of ultrafast laser pulses. Parameters: instantaneous spectral range is 650 nm - 1100 nm, the resolution is (at λ = 800 nm) ≤ 0.5 nm. 3. Picosecond high average power amplifier Properties: central wavelength is 1064 nm, pulse repetition frequency - 1 kHz and the pulse duration is 75 ± 6 ps. The amplifier has three “top-hat” spatial profile outputs. ≥8 mJ energy pulses can be generated in one of them. The other two allow for pulses where the energy ≥30mJ. 4. Femtosecond parametric amplifier Properties: spectral range is 670 - 950 nm, pulse energy ≥30 μJ. 5. The high average power picosecond pulse parametric amplification system Properties: spectral range is from 700 nm to 1000 nm, pulse energy ≥5 mJ pulse duration ≤10 fs. 6. Amplitude technologies femtosecond laser pulses contrast meter Spectral range is 760-840 nm, temporal range 500 ps, dinamic range 1010, and minimal impulse energy 100 μJ. 7. Unique laboratory set of high-intensity diagnostic equipment Service tariff is calculated for measurements with the full equipment set. |
1. Femtosecond laser pulse source for parametric amplifier pumping and investigation of nonlinear optical processes 2. Ultrashort pulse seed source for further laser radiation power increase, expansion of the spectral range of generated pulses, research of registration methods. |
92.83 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
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2. Femtosecond laser pulse contrast measurement
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
Femtosecond pulse temporal contrast measurement is made with the Sequoia 800 pulse temporal contrast meter. Device parameters: spectral range is 760-840 nm, temporal range 500 ps, dynamic range 1010, and minimal impulse energy 100 μJ. |
Temporal contrast meter enables the measurement of femtosecond pulses contrast in the ~800 spectrum range. | 18.12 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
3. Detection of 1 nm - 310 nm radiation
Service description | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
The Service is performed using the XUV detection set, which consists of: 1. UV detection and registration system Spectral range is 1-310 nm, resolution 0.1 nm. 2. Vacuum chamber with a pump Inner chamber dimensions are 610 × 810 × 175 mm. The pressure is maintained in the 1x10-7 - 1000 mbar range. |
48.55 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
4. Spectral measurement with a broad spectral range spectrograph and the Andor CCD camera
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
The Andor Technology Shamrock SR-500i spectrograph and iXon+-885 CCD camera are used. Spectral range of the spectrograph is 150 – 30.000 nm, resolution - 0.1 nm in the visible spectral range. CCD camera spectral range: 400-1100 nm. |
Spectral characteristic study of lasers, optical parametric generators and laser created plasma. | 18.09 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
5. Spectral measurement with a fiber spectrograph in 1000-2500 nm
Service description | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
The NIR AvaSpec-NIR256-2.5 fiber spectrograph is used. The spectrum can be measured in the 1000-2500 nm range. |
16.18 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
6. Image recording with an optical microscope and a CCD camera
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
The Olympus BX51 optical microscope and a microPublisher 5.0 Qimaging CCD camera and computer are used. The microscope is used with three objectives of 10, 20 and 40 times magnification. Observation methods: brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast Nomarski differential interference contrast. |
For different sample morphology observation and image registration. | 16.53 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
7. Microfabrication with a femtosecond 6W average power laser
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
Microfabrication is performed using the Aerotech mid-motion five-coordinate precision positioning module with a unique set of equipment and diagnostics, and the Pharos Light Conversion femtosecond Yb:KGW laser. Parameters of the laser: maximum repetition rate of the laser is 200 kHz, central wavelength is 1030 nm and pulse duration 320 fs. |
Microfabrication, investigation of femtosecond laser radiation and material interaction | 42.14 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
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8. Ultrafast spectroscopy research: femtosecond multi - pulse absorption spectroscopy
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
Ultrafast spectroscopy research is performed using an equipment set consisting of: 1. Regenerative Ti:Sapphire femtosecond pulse amplifier with a Libra-USP-HE 30W solid-state pump laser and unique set of spectroscopy equipment and diagnostics. Central wavelength of the amplified pulses is 800 nm, maximum pulse repetition rate 1 kHz, pulse duration < 50 fs. Pulse energy at 1 kHz repetition rate is > 3.5 mJ. It has an option of switchover between 505 fs pulse and 11010 fs pulse amplification modes. 2. A TOPAS-800 Light Conversion parametric generator (2 units). Both are pumped by the first harmonic of a Ti: sapphire amplifier. Spectral range: 1150 - 2600 nm. One of them can use the difference frequency method for expansion of the spectral range: 100 nm - 20 mm. |
Property analysis of chemical and biological materials, semiconductors with ultrafast absorption spectroscopy methods at room and liquid nitrogen temperature. Investigative materials are necessary, as well as the tools required for their handling (dosage, dilution, dissolution, and fixation). | 61.30 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
9. Measurements with the Sensofar PLμ2300 optical profilometer
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
A Sensofar PLμ2300 Profilometer with a computer and appropriate software are used. |
Topographical analysis of different sample surfaces. | 19.31 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
10. Measurement with a scanning electronic microscope
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
A Hitachi TM-1000 tabletop electron microscope is used. Maximum magnification is 10000, maximum sample size 70 mm in diameter, maximum sample height 20 mm. | Investigation of sample morphology. | 19.54 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
11. Investigation of ultrashort pulses by nonlinear methods
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
Ultrashort pulse investigation is performed using a facility consisting of: 1. A Spectra Physics Ti:saphire femtosecond system with a non-collinear parametric amplifier and an ultrashort pulse IR radiation source Central wavelength of the amplified pulses is 800 nm, maximum pulse repetition rate 1 kHz, pulse duration 130 fs. Pulse energy at 1kHz repetition rate is 3 mJ. The non-collinear parametric amplifier generates <20 fs radiation in 550-750 nm spectral range. The ultrashort pulse IR source generates < 20 fs pulses in the 2 μm range. 2. A diagnostic complex consisting of: A high dynamic range Andor CCD camera, Grenouille pulse duration meter and a unique set of diagnostics for space-time and spectral characteristics. With this set the spatial distribution of radiation in the 300-1100 nm spectral range can be recorded. Pulse duration in the visible and IR spectral ranges and spectral characteristics in 200-2500 nm can be measured. |
Investigation of ultrashort pulse spatial, spectral and temporal characteristics (from UV to IR spectral range) in transparent nonlinear materials, characterization of the nonlinear properties of materials. | 53.25 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
12. Laser nanophotonics research and services using the Pharos femtosecond laser system
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
Research and services are carried out by using: 1. Pharos Light Conversion femtosecond laser system (from VU OAC Laser Research Centre facility “Naglis”); 6W average power diode-pumped high repetition rate femtosecond Yb:KGW laser. Maximum repetition rate is 200 kHz. Central wavelength 1030 nm, pulse duration 300 fs, pulse energy to 0.4 mJ. 2. Precision three-coordinate positioning system with a galvanometric beam control subsystem; 3. Technological system for polymeric layer formation and processing; 4. TM-1000 electronic microscope (from VU OAC Laser Research Centre facility “Naglis”); Unique set of equipment and diagnostics for nanophotonic systems. |
1. Numerical modeling, laser formation, geometry and optical properties (focus, collimation, phase modulation) description of multifunctional (refractive / diffractive) and integrated (on the optical fiber tip) micro – optical elements (10 – 100 μm). 2. Artificial three-dimensional frame laser formation for cell biology and tissue engineering applications. Biologically inert and degrading polymers can be used, and a carcass can be made of several different materials. The pore size and filling factor can be varied from 1 to 100 μm and 20-80%, respectively. 3. Laser formation of nanophotonic elements in polymers and transparent material. With the laser two-dimensional and three-dimensional fixed and gradually variable period photonic crystals can be formed. Their period can be from 0.5 to 10 μm. Numerical modeling of these items and characterization of their light control properties. |
74.11 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
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13. Spectral characteristics tests of optical elements with the Shimadzu spectrophotometer
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
Tests are performed using the UV-3101PC Shimadzu spectrophotometer with a computer and appropriate software. Spectral range: 190-3200 nm, resolution 0.1 nm. Slit width: 0.1; 0.2; 0.5; 1; 2 ; 3; 5; 8; 12; 20; 30 nm. Wavelength scanning speed: 1. fast: 1600 nm/min (with 2 nm/min sampling interval); 2. middle: 200 nm/min (with 0,5 nm/min sampling interval); 3. slow: 100 mm/min; 4. very slow: 50 mm/min. |
Measurement of the spectral characteristics (transmission, absorption, reflection) in 190 - 3200 nm spectral range of various optical elements. | 18.27 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
14. Measurements and research using the femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser complex
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
All or part of the facility can be used (depending on the kind of study). The facility consists of: 1. Femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser system. The system generates radiation of 800 nm central wavelength. Pulse energy at 1kHz repetition rate is 10 mJ. Duration of pulse is ̴ 40 fs. 2. Tunable parametric amplifiers for visible and IR spectral range. Spectral range of radiation is from 235nm to 9000 nm. Maximum sum energy of signal and idler pulse is >3000 μJ at 1500 nm wavelength, 3. APE PulseCheck 15 ShortPulse femtosecond pulse duration meter. 20 - 1000 fs laser pulse duration can be measured in the spectral range from 410 to 2000 nm, using variable optical sets. 20-50 fs duration pulses can be measured with the FROG technique in the 700-900 nm spectral range. 4. A unique set of equipment and diagnostics. The service tariff is calculated for measurements with the full equipment set. |
Studies of laser radiation and matter interaction, research of nonlinear optical processes, generation of THz radiation, laser damage threshold tests and testing of commercial nonlinear optical devices. | 89.80 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).
15. Measurement of femtosecond pulse duration
Service description | Potential for use (specific activities) | Tariff for the use of the device* (€ per hour) |
Measurments are performed with the APE PulseCheck 15 ShortPulse femtosecond pulse duration meter. |
20 - 1000 fs laser pulse duration can be measured in the spectral range from 410 to 2000 nm, using variable optical sets. 20-50 fs duration pulses can be measured with the FROG technique in the 700-900 nm spectral range. | 16.32 |
*Price without VAT and accounts only equipment rental costs (excluding staff contribution).