
HIGH-RESOLUTION SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE PRISMA E, with INTEGRATED EDS (ENERGY-DISPERSIVE X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY) MODULE (THERMO SCIENTIFIC INC.) for observation of samples under variable vacuum and current settings, with the possibility of substrate tilting and rotation. Magnification 5 to 1,000,000×, resolution down to 3 nm. Integration of SEM and EDS functions in a single, seamless user interface for ultra-high resolution EDS element mapping.

TABLE-TOP SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE (TM-1000, HITACHI) for observation of sample microscopic geometry and morphology. Magnification 20-10000×

INVERTED TRANSMISSION MICROSCOPE (OLYMPUS IX73) for microscopy of transparent samples, including wet ones, monitoring wet development/drying of lithography-made 3D micro-/nano-structures, and microfluidics devices.

OPTICAL MICROSCOPE WITH IMAGING CCD CAMERA (OLYMPUS BX51) for observation and imaging of sample morphology via brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast, Nomarski differential interference contrast.

LASER PROFILOMETER (OLYMPUS LEXT OLS5100) for topographic analysis of sample surface, measurement automation, bulk data processing, and microscopy. Reflection-type confocal laser scanning microscope with differential interference contrast (DIC) capabilities.

OPTICAL PROFILOMETER (PLΜ2300, SENSOFAR) for topographic analysis of sample surface

SPECTROPHOTOMETER (UV-3101PC, SHIMADZU) for measurements of spectral characteristics (transmission, absorption, reflection) of optical samples in the 190-3200 nm spectral range.

DIONEX LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY (HPLC) SYSTEM for separation, identification, and quantification of biologically relevant compounds in a chemical mixture

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