
Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics Group


The Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics Group specializes in fundamental and applied research on ultrafast nonlinear laser-matter interactions in transparent bulk materials and photonic crystal fibers. Their work aims to develop compact, high-average power, ultrashort pulse light sources. Key areas of focus include supercontinuum generation, optical parametric amplification, fiber-based laser amplification, frequency conversion, and pulse post-compression.

Research Topics
  • Nonlinear propagation and supercontinuum generation in bulk materials, photonic crystal fibers and photonic crystals;
  • Light-driven structural modifications of transparent materials and related nonlinear optical phenomena;
  • Generation of few optical cycle pulses via spectral broadening, optical parametric amplification and pulse post-compression;
  • Development of high repetition rate tunable wavelength UV-VIS femtosecond laser systems;
  • Development of sub-nanosecond optical parametric generators and amplifiers.
Research Spotlight!


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Broadband conical third harmonic generation in femtosecond filament-modified fused silica


High-repetition-rate femtosecond filaments in fused silica form nanogratings that enable conical third harmonic and supercontinuum generation with tunable 1–3 µm pulses. Measurements confirm nanograting-induced noncollinear phase-matching, providing octave-spanning bandwidth for advanced ultrafast photonic applications.



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