Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics Group
The Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics Group specializes in fundamental and applied research on ultrafast nonlinear laser-matter interactions in transparent bulk materials and photonic crystal fibers. Their work aims to develop compact, high-average power, ultrashort pulse light sources. Key areas of focus include supercontinuum generation, optical parametric amplification, fiber-based laser amplification, frequency conversion, and pulse post-compression.
- Nonlinear propagation and supercontinuum generation in bulk materials, photonic crystal fibers and photonic crystals;
- Light-driven structural modifications of transparent materials and related nonlinear optical phenomena;
- Generation of few optical cycle pulses via spectral broadening, optical parametric amplification and pulse post-compression;
- Development of high repetition rate tunable wavelength UV-VIS femtosecond laser systems;
- Development of sub-nanosecond optical parametric generators and amplifiers.

Broadband conical third harmonic generation in femtosecond filament-modified fused silica
High-repetition-rate femtosecond filaments in fused silica form nanogratings that enable conical third harmonic and supercontinuum generation with tunable 1–3 µm pulses. Measurements confirm nanograting-induced noncollinear phase-matching, providing octave-spanning bandwidth for advanced ultrafast photonic applications.
Group members

Most significant publications
Most important publications:
A. Dubietis, A. Matijošius, Table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers: past and present (REVIEW), Opto-Electronic Advances 6, 220046 (2023).
A. Dubietis and A. Couairon, Ultrafast supercontinuum generation in transparent solid state media, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-14994-9, 125 p., 2019.
A. Dubietis, G. Tamošauskas, R. Šuminas, V. Jukna, A. Couairon, Ultrafast supercontinuum generation in bulk condensed media (REVIEW), Lithuanian Journal of Physics 57, 113-157 (2017).
J. Vengelis, V. Jarutis, V. Sirutkaitis, Estimation of photonic crystal fiber dispersion by means of supercontinuum generation, Optics Letters 42, 1844-1847 (2017).
D. Majus, G. Tamošauskas, I. Gražulevičiūtė, N. Garejev, A. Lotti, A. Couairon, D. Faccio, A. Dubietis, Nature of spatiotemporal light bullets in bulk Kerr media, Physical Review Letters 112, 193901 (2014).
Most recent publications
Most recent publications:
V. Marčiulionytė, G. Tamošauskas, M. Šutovas, A. Dubietis, Supercontinuum generation in scintillator crystals, Scientific Reports 15, 748 (2025).
V. Jarutis, A. Stravinskaitė, M. Kuliešaitė, J. Vengelis, Semi-analytical non-iterative cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating retrieving algorithm, Optics Communications 574, 131058 (2025).
M. Kuliešaitė, J. Vengelis, V. Jarutis, Measurement polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber nonlinear response using phase shift between orthogonal polarization modes, Optics Express 32(26), 543408 (2024).
V. Tamulienė, G. Stanionytė, T. Latvys, J. Vengelis, Subnanosecond visible two-stage optical parametric generator and amplifier based on MgO:PPLN and LBO crystals at strong pump depletion, Heliyon 10, e37513 (2024).
V. Marčiulionytė, J. Banys, J. Vengelis, G. Tamošauskas, A. Dubietis, All-Solid-State Post-Compression of Low-Energy Pulses at High Repetition Rate, Photonics 11, 386 (2024).
B. Momgaudis, V. Marčiulionytė, V. Jukna, G. Tamošauskas, M. Barkauskas, A. Dubietis, Supercontinuum generation in bulk solid‑state material with bursts of femtosecond laser pulses, Scientific Reports 14, 7055 (2024).
J. Banys, S. Armalytė, J. Pimpė, O. Balachninaitė, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Subnanosecond microlaser pumped fan-out grating design MgO:PPLN optical parametric generator continuously tunable from near- to mid-infrared, Optics & Laser Technology 171, 110433 (2024).
J. Banys, S. Armalytė, J. Pimpė, O. Balachninaitė, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Enhancing conversion efficiency of MgO:PPLN and Rb:PPKTP crystal-based subnanosecond optical parametric generators by utilizing a supercontinuum seed, Infrared Physics & Technology 137, 105158 (2024).
International collaboration

Laser equipment
Laboratory of Ultrashort Pulse Optics (301)
- Ti:sapphire laser system (Spitfire-PRO, Newport-Spectra Physics): pulsewidth 100 fs, energy 3 mJ, wavelength 800 nm, pulse repetition rate 1 kHz.
- Optical parametric amplifier (Topas-Prime, Light Conversion Ltd.): pulsewidth 100 fs, wavelength tuning range 1150-2600 nm, home made DFG stage, tuning range 3-5 μm.
- Noncollinear optical parametric amplifier (Topas-white, Light Conversion Ltd.): pulsewidth 25 fs, wavelength tuning range 530-720 nm.
- Yb:KGW laser system (Pharos, Light Conversion Ltd): pulsewidth 190 fs, energy up to 1 mJ, wavelength 1030 nm, pulse repetition rate up to 200 kHz.
- Optical parametric amplifier (Orpheus-One, Light Conversion Ltd.): pulsewidth 200 fs, wavelength tuning range 1320-4500 nm, DFG stage, tuning range 5-12 μm, pulse repetition rate up to 14 kHz.
Laboratory of Quantum Optics (403)
Yb:KGW oscillator (FLINT, Light Conversion Ltd.): pulsewidth 100 fs, wavelength 1028 nm, average power 6.5 W, pulse repetition rate 76 MHz; SHG module (HIRO, Light conversion Ltd.): pulsewidth 120 fs, wavelength 514 nm, average power 2.5 W
Laboratory of Parametric Phenomena (110)
- Yb:KGW oscillator (FLINT, Light Conversion Ltd.) with integrated in rod-type fiber PCMA system: pulsewidth 80 fs, wavelength 1035 nm, average power 17 W, pulse repetition rate 76 MHz.
- Nd:YAG microlaser (MOPA, Standa Ltd.): pulsewidth 400 ps, wavelength 1064 nm, pulse repetition rate 1 kHz with second (532 nm) and third (355 nm) harmonics generation modules.
- Nd:YAG microlaser (MOPA, Standa Ltd.): pulsewidth 520 ps, wavelength 1064 nm, pulse repetition rate 1 kHz, average power 1 W.
- Optical spektrum analyzer (Thorlabs): detection range 1-12 μm, performance mode CW and >30 kHz in pulsed regime.
- Pulse picker (MP1, Eksma Optics): range 130 ns – 1 ms, 76 MHz synchronization.
Ongoing Projects
SMART: Development and investigation of novel optical parametric generators: towards subnanosecond pulses
Number: 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-03-0004
Head: Dr. J. Vengelis (VU, Lithuania)
Participants: -
Duration: 36 months
Funding: 698 987,42 EUR
Funding agency: The Research Council of Lithuania
Project description:
The aim of this project is to develop commercialization ready optical parametric generator technologies for generation of subnanosecond pulses in the VIS and NIR spectral range based on the nonlinear optics methods. Comprehensive research of optical parametric generation in the VIS and NIR spectral ranges when pumping with subnanosecond pulses is planned: various OPG configurations in different nonlinear crystals will be tested; experimental and theoretical investigation of generation dynamics will be carried out; OPG output parameters (pulse energy, duration and frequency tuning range) will be optimized; measurement of the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) in various nonlinear crystals and their coatings will be performed in order to determine optimal OPG configuration with respect to LIDT and parametric generation threshold and corresponding technological solutions for realization of the OPG. Finally, a prototype of subnanosecond OPG will be developed.
High repetition rate femtosecond filamentation- induced laser-matter interactions in transparent solids (FEMTOLAMA)
Number: S-MIP-22-40
Head: Prof. A. Dubietis (VU, Lithuania)
Participants: -
Duration: 24 months
Funding: 145 844 EUR
Funding agency: The Research Council of Lithuania
Project description:
The main objective of the Project is investigation of accumulation effects that lead to optical degradation and damage induced by high repetition rate femtosecond filamentation in transparent solids over a wide spectral range. Since most of these effects are detrimental to both, characteristics of the broadband ultrashort-pulsed light (supercontinuum) and optical properties of the material itself due to evolving multipulse optical damage, the special emphasis will be given to find optimal operating conditions, where these effects could be eliminated, or at least suppressed to a large extent.
Development of high repetition rate tunable wavelength UV-VIS femtosecond laser system. (HIREPUVIS)
Number: -
Head: Dr. J. Vengelis (VU, Lithuania)
Participants: -
Duration: 36 months
Funding: 150 000 EUR
Funding agency: The Research Council of Lithuania
Project description:
The aim of this project is to develop watt-level average power high repetition rate broadly tunable wavelength UV-VIS femtosecond laser system. This will be accomplished by developing a combined laser setup consisting of laser amplifier, harmonic generator and synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator. Such combined laser system will superceed capabilities of any currently existing laser or optical parametric generator system used for spectroscopy, nonlinear microscopy, material science and laser micromaching applications in terms of measurement / micromachining speed, versatility, accuracy and efficiency.