Expertise and services: ultrafast absorption and emission spectroscopy; femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy; single shot (destructive) pump-probe measurements; time-resolved investigations of light-induced phenomena in biological pigments and proteins; measurement of ultrafast dynamics in organic molecules in solutions and films; investigation of carrier dynamics in semiconductors and dielectrics; characterization of group velocity dispersion of reflective and transmissive optical components.
Laser sources:
Ti:Sapphire laser system (Libra-USP-HE, Coherent): pulse duration 50 fs, energy 2.5 mJ, wavelength 800 nm, pulse repetition rate 1 kHz. A switchover option between 50 fs pulse and 110 fs pulse amplification modes.
Optical parametric amplifiers TOPAS-800 (Light Conversion Ltd.) and TOPAS-Prime (Light Conversion Ltd., 2 units) with second harmonic, sum and difference frequency generation modules, the entire tuning range 210 nm - 20 µm.
High repetition rate Yb:KGW laser (Pharos, Light Conversion Ltd.) with second to fourth harmonics generators (1030 nm, 515 nm, 343nm, 257 nm) is available when lower excitation energies are required. Pulse duration 220 fs, repetition rate 1-200 kHz.
Instruments and accessories
Home-built three-beam flexible ultrafast difference absorption spectrometer for two-pulse (pump-probe) and three-pulse (pump-dump) transient absorption experiments; additionally, femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (FSRS) measurements are possible.
Commercial pump-probe, fluorescence upconversion, fluorescence Kerr-shutter, and time-correlated single-photon counting systems (Harpia-TA, Harpia-TF, Light Conversion Ltd.) are available for quick-turnaround, hassle-free experiments.
Destructive pump-probe measurement (single-shot per tested area) setup with automated sample translation and data processing.
Liquid nitrogen bath cryostat available for measurements at temperatures 77-300K.
Micro-pump-probe setup for investigating samples with dimensions <50x50 µm.
Miscellaneous spectroscopy equipment: Andor Shamrock-500 spectrograph (gratings from 200 nm to 10 um) with Andor iXon-885 cooled CCD camera; spectral detectors covering the spectral range 200-2600 nm; point-detectors covering the range 200 nm – 10000 nm. Acton SP2300 spectrograph with Princeton Instrument PIXIS-256 cooled CCD. Fiber spectrometers covering the 200 nm - 2600 nm range.
Autocorrelator APE-mini, FROG.
White light interferometer for measuring group delay characteristics of reflective and transmissive optical components in 400 nm – 1700 nm spectral range.
On request, supplementary instruments, e.g. spectrophotometer, optical microscope, etc., are available from the General Equipment list.