Course project is part of the studies when an undergraduate student does a short practical work on a concrete topic. Course project end with a student preparing a course work report and presenting it to the commission of one of the Faculty of Physics institutes.
Topics for course project
At the beginning of the semester, students have to choose a course project topic from suggested ones at the faculty website (see below) and to agree on it with an academic supervisor. Students are also free to suggest their own topics for supervisors. Students have to make the final agreement on the topic until the 15th of February. After the agreement, the academic supervisor must inform the administrator of a particular institute and provide name and study programme of the student as well as the name of the agreed topic.
Course project topics for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 academic year (will be announced):
- Institute of Chemical Physics
- Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology
- Laser Research Center
- Institute of Applied Electrodynamics and Telecommunication
- Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
Course project topics for the Spring semester of 2024-2025 academic year for LIGHT ENGINEERING studens:
- Institute of Chemical Physics
- Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology
- Laser Research Center
- Institute of Applied Electrodynamics and Telecommunication
- Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
If student wishes do a course project in a scientific group not based in the Faculty of Physics, he/she must agree upon a topic with a possible supervisor from that institution. Afterwards, course project topic and place have to be agreed with the chair of the study programme committee and registration form must be filled and sent to the chair of the study programme comittee.
In order for students to do a course project outside Vilnius University a triparty agreement has to be signed. In this case contact Dean's office via e-mail The three-party agreement form can be found here.
Defence of the course project
The student has to make sure whether his/her supervisor will participate in course project defence at the Faculty department commission. If the supervisor will not be able to attend defence at the Faculty department, the supervisor has to send his/her evaluation of the student course work to the student itself. The supervisor must indicate a grade in the evaluation. The student has to submit this evaluation alongside his/her course project.
The student has to prepare a short (up to 10 min length) presentation of his/her course project.
During the defence in the department commission, the student has to make a presentation of his/her work and answer the questions as well as comments regarding the work and its presentation. The course project supervisor has to give his/her opinion on the course project. If the supervisor can not attend the defence, his/her evaluation is presented by the chair of the department commission or other member. If other people got acquainted with the work, they can also give their opinion on the course project.
Dates for defence of the course project
Department |
Course project defence date, time and place |
Institute of Chemical Physics (Julija Gorbaniova, tel. (8 5) 223 4560, el. p. |
Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology (Kristina Aponienė, tel. (8 5) 223 4502, el. p. |
Laser Research Center (Ieva Grūdienė, tel. (8 5) 236 6050, el. p. |
Institute of Applied Electrodynamics and Telecommunication (Oksana Rinkevič, tel. (8 5) 223 4578, el. p. |
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy (prof. Egidijus Anisimovas, tel. (8 5) 223 4650, el. p. |