Advanced Biomedical Photonics Group
Our group conducts interdisciplinary research focusing on the optical properties of biological tissues, active molecules, and nanomaterials. We investigate their interactions with light, as well as the induced photochemical and photophysical processes. Employing classical and advanced spectroscopic and microscopic techniques, we investigate the properties of nanoparticles and photosensitizers as well as their impact on the environment and living systems, and assess these materials' potential in biological monitoring and biomedical applications. We develop nonlinear microscopy techniques and apply texture analysis for intensity and polarimetric images to detect structural changes in biological tissue and investigate various cancer tissues. By combining optical methods and methodologies, we are looking for innovative solutions applicable to improving diagnostics, imaging, phototherapy, radiation therapy, and nanomedicine.
- Investigations into the combination of accelerated proton, alpha particle, and neutron irradiation with other anticancer treatments (dr. M. Grigalavičius).
- Research of photophysical and photochemical properties of biologically active molecules by innovative application of optical methods (prof. S. Bagdonas).
- In vitro and in vivo studies of photophysical and photochemical properties of nanoparticles on their application for monitoring biological systems and organisms, especially autotrophs (dr. A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė).
- The nonlinear microscopy techniques for biomedical imaging research and clinical applications (adj. prof. V. Barzda).

Structure and principles of self-assembly of giant “sea urchin” type sulfonatophenyl porphine aggregates
TPPS₄ molecules self-assemble into giant sea urchin–like structures with a central tubular core and radiating filaments. These hierarchical aggregates display unique optical properties, making them useful for nonlinear microscopy applications.
Group members

Bachelor's and master's thesis (within the last 5 years)
Bachelor’s thesis
1. Elena Osteikaitė, „Nonlinear microscopy for cervical cancer diagnostics“, Physics, 2024, supervisor V. Bazda.
2. Ugnė Mickevičiūtė, “Study of the effect of copper ions on the autofluorescence of unicellular algae under different growth conditions”, 2023, Physics and management of modern technologies, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė.
3. Rasa Miliukaitė, “CuInZnS/ZnS quantum dots on the autofluorescence of unicellular algae”, 2023, Applied physics, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė.
4. Gytis Petrauskas, Spectroscopic Studies of Tetrasulfophenil-Porphine Agregation and Phototransformations in Model Aqueous Solutions of Various Acidity, 2023, Applied physics, supervisor S. Bagdonas.
5. Gustas Rupšys, „Development of nonlinear microscopy methods for biological imaging”, Light technologies, 2023, supervisor V. Mažeika.
6. Urtė Žąsinaitė, “Evaluation of skin wound healing and scar tissue by nonlinear polarimetric microscopy”, 2023, Physics and management of modern technologies, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė.
7. Kornelija Račkauskaitė, “Effects of Copper Ions on Unicellular Algae Autofluorescence: Dependence on Lighting Conditions and Medium”, 2022, Applied physics, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė.
8. Simonas Trumpaitis, The Spectroscopic Studies of Hematoporphyrin Samples in Model Aqueous Media, 2022, Physics and management of modern technologies, supervisor S. Bagdonas.
9. Elena Garbaliauskaitė, “The Autofluorescence Changes of Unicellular Algae in Different PH Environments by Exposure Them to Heavy Metals”, 2021, Applied physics, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė.
10. Emilija Januškaitė, “The Spectroscopic Study of Hydrophilic Quantum Dots Photostability in Biological Media”, 2021, Applied physics, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė.
11. Osvaldas Vilutis, “The Effect of Hydrophilic Quantum Dots on Autofluorescence of Unicell Freshwater Algae”, 2021, Applied physics, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė.
12. Paulius Janaščius, Study of Oxidative Reductive Photoreactions in Media of Different Acidity Using Optical Spectroscopy, 2020, Physics and management of modern technologies, supervisor S. Bagdonas.
13. Ignas Kamarauskas, Review of Spectrum and Spatial Properties of TPPS4 Aggregates Formation in Polyvinyl Alcohol Matrix, 2020, Physics and management of modern technologies, supervisor S. Bagdonas.
14. Gediminas Legas, “The Study of Changes in Fluorescence of Unicellular Algae after Treatment with Heavy Metals”, 2020, Physics and management of modern technologies, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė.
15. Gailė Litvaitytė, Investigation of Spectral Properties of Chlorin e6 and Matcha Green Tea Solutions Depending on Medium pH, 2020, Neurobiophysics, supervisor S. Bagdonas.
Master's thesis
1. Aušrinė Navickaitė, Investigation of the Autofluorescence Response of Characean Nitellopsis obtusa Using Herbicides DCMU and MV, 2024, Biophysics, supervisor S. Bagdonas.
2. Emilija Januškaitė, “Spectroscopic studies of photostability of CdSe and CuInZnS core-shell quantum dots in biological aqueous media”, 2023, Biophysics, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė.
3. Fariha Binte Rahman, Effects of Medium pH and Serum Albumin on the Photoreactions Induced by Tetrapyrrolic Compounds, 2023, Laser technologies, supervisor S. Bagdonas.
4. Gailė Litvaitytė, Study of the Effect of Natural Antioxidants on Photochemical Transformations of Chlorin E6 in Aqueous Model Media of Different pH, 2022, Photonics and nanotechnology, , supervisor S. Bagdonas.
5. Diana Pavlovaitė, „Nonlinear Microscopy with Texture Analysis for Cancerous Tissues Diagnostics“, Laser technologies, Vilnius University, 2022, supervisor A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė
6. Mykolas Mačiulis, “Multimodal nonlinear microscopy of collagen in biological tissues”, MSc thesis, Laser physics and optical technologies”, Vilnius University, 2021, supervisor V. Bazda.
7. Marius Šidla, Spectroscopic Studies of the Effect of L-Ascorbate on Oxidation Processes Induced by Aluminium Phthalocyanine Tetrasulfonate in Aqueous Model Media of Different pH, 2021, Life and chemical physics, supervisor S. Bagdonas.
Ongoing projects
Projects of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
2023-2025, In collaboration with HUN-REN Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary, Structural, spectroscopic and electrochemical investigations of photooxidative stress induced changes in fresh-water macroalgae toward the development of a natural environmental biosensor, head of the project prof. S. Bagdonas. |
Projects financed with the funds of the New Generation Lithuania Plan for Economic Revitalization and Resilience
2024-2025, In preparation to exploit high-power lasers for proton and neutron FLASH therapies (10-038-T-0172). Head of the project: dr. M. Grigalavičius. |
Research Council of Lithuania funded projects
2024-2027, Netiesinės optinės histopatologijos vaizdinimo ir vaizdų analizės technologijos (Imaging and Image Analysis Technologies for Nonlinear Optical Histopathology) (S-MIP-24-113), head of the project prof. V. Barzda. |
Research Council of Lithuania funded students’ projects
2024, Magnio chlorofilino įtaka kvantinių taškų poveikiui vienaląsčiams dumbliams (Effect of magnesium chlorophyllin on the effect of quantum dots on unicellular algae) (P-ST-24-295), head of the project dr. A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė. |
Completed projects
Research Council of Lithuania funded projects
2019-2022, Polarimetric nonlinear microscopy for biomedical research and cancer diagnosis (01.2.2-LMT-K-718-02-0016), head of the project prof. V. Barzda. |
2010-2011, “In vitro model of photosensitized therapy for rheumatoid arthritis”, 140400 LT, head of the project prof. S. Bagdonas. |
Research Council of Lithuania funded students’ projects
2023, Fotooksidacinio streso sukeltų fotosintezės pokyčių tyrimas gėlavandeniuose dumbliuose (Study of photosynthetic changes induced by photooxidative stress in freshwater algae) (P-ST-23-111), head of the project dr. A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė. |
University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada |
HUN-REN Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary |
Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway |
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway |
Norwegian Nuclear Research Center, Oslo, Norway |
National Cancer Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania |
Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania |
Life Sciences center, Vilnius university, Lithuania |
Innovative Medicine center, Vilnius, Lithuania |
Center for physical sciences and technology, Vilnius, Lithuania |
For students
Faculty of Physics: Laser application in biology and medicine, Photobiology (S. Bagdonas), Biophotonics (S. Bagdonas), Physics of biomolecules and membranes (S. Bagdonas), Application of laser-generated secondary radiation in biomedicine (M. Grigalavičius).
Life Sciences Center: Biophotonics (S. Bagdonas).
Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences: Biophysics (S. Bagdonas).
Faculty of Medicine: Fundamentals of applied physics (A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė).
Individual study courses (interfaculty): Introduction to physics of living systems (A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė), Methods of biological objects investigation (A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė), Physics of biomedical nanotechnologies (S. Bagdonas), Introduction to Biophysical Technology (S. Bagdonas).