
The study committee of the Joint International Master in Photonics programme met in Vilnius on 13-14 March. The "Erasmus Mundus" International Master Programme "Intelligent Photonics for Security Reliability Sustainability and Safety" is jointly run by four universities: Université Jean Monnet (UJM) in Saint-Étienne, the program also involves the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), the University of Vilnius (VU) in Lithuania and the Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) in France, as well as numerous associated partners from both academia and industry. 

Researchers from the Faculty of Physics are invited to a series of webinars on the Reaxys database in March and April. The sessions will cover ways to use Reaxys effectively, including advanced tools and artificial intelligence capabilities to support research.Reaxys is a research database that provides access to a huge set of structural, bibliographic and experimental data to support chemical synthesis and retrosynthetic analysis.

On 17 February, Vilnius University (VU) officially launched the process for developing its strategy for the next five years. This is a significant stage where VU will define its future directions, priorities, and goals that align with the expectations of the community, society, and the international academic world. The success of the VU 2030 strategy depends on the involvement of all community members. Therefore, VU employees and students are invited to actively participate in discussions, propose ideas, shape strategic priorities, and vote for the most significant proposals.

On 3–7 March, Vilnius University (VU) is holding its first emotional well-being week “Let’s Talk About It” which is dedicated to open and professional discussion on the emotional challenges, health, and well-being of students. The aim of the week’s events is to raise mental health awareness as well as to foster a supportive community where everybody feels heard. The main focus will be put on the students – the stress they are under, the challenges they face in relationships, and the ways of improving their emotional health. The vision is for this emotional well-being week to become a tradition in the largest university in Lithuania.

How can researchers present their work in a way that captures the attention of academia, industry, and society? How can they secure funding, build international partnerships, and enhance the real-world impact of their research? On March 3–4, Vilnius University will host two exclusive lectures by Dr. Akanimo Odon, an international expert in research impact, strategic partnerships, and career development. With extensive experience advising top universities, governments, and businesses worldwide, Dr. Odon will provide valuable insights into bridging the gap between academia and the broader world.

The science communication contest "Scientific Sprint" is back, calling for registrations to present captivating research or science ideas within a concise 3-minute window. Mark your calendars for the competition on March 27th at 18:00, coinciding with VU's 446th birthday.

When ideas can come true and dreams can be born, all you need to do is take a step that will change not only you, but also your university community.

We invite you to participate in the exchange program during Autumn semester (full academic year) of the 2025-2026 academic exchanges!

Choose your country/-ies, university/-ies, write a motivation letter, and fill in the registration form for the selection.

Registration for Erasmus+, ARQUS, Coimbra group, and Bilateral exchange will be open until midnight on February 16thDon`t miss the deadline! Late applications will not be accepted.

Registration forms (will be open soon):

ARQUS/Coimbra Group or Bilateral exchange

The lists of partners for each program are provided below:

Arqus / Coimbra Group
Bilateral agreements

Do you have any questions about exchanges?    

Join our recorded info session!

- Follow the news on Facebook - VU International Relations (@VUTarptautiniaiRysiai).

- For more information about exchange options, please visit this page.

- If you have any questions, please contact the International Relations Department via MS Teams:
Edita Selina (Erasmus+, ARQUS, Coimbra group)
Emilis Nikitinas (Bilateral exchange) 

The 2024 Lithuanian Science Prize in Technological Sciences for Experimental Development Work recognizes the series “High Power Multi-Optical Cycle Pulse Sources for Extreme Light Technologies (2009–2023)” for its significant contributions to the development of high-power, ultra-short pulse laser systems.

The asteroid Skarga has been named in honour of Piotr Skarga, the first Rector of Vilnius University (VU). It was discovered at the VU Molėtai Astronomical Observatory by Dr Kazimieras Černis and Dr Justas Zdanavičius – scientists from the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of the VU Faculty of Physics.

During the Vilnius University (VU) Faculty of Physics bachelor's diploma awarding ceremony, the named Professor Algis Petras Piskarskas Scholarship was presented for the first time for the best bachelor's thesis in laser physics. The prestigious scholarship was awarded to Antanas Butkus, a student of the Light Engineering study program. He was also awarded a Cum Laude diploma.

The Lithuanian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LT VCA), together with Vilnius University (VU), is organizing the course “Breaking into the Finance World: Private Equity and Venture Capital” for the third consecutive year. The course is open to VU students, alumni, and all players in the ecosystem.

The Arqus Alliance of European Universities invites its community to apply for the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), which is based on Challenge-Based Learning (CBL). This multidisciplinary program will encompass various fields of knowledge, engaging professors, students at different academic stages (Bachelor’s and Master’s), and university staff. The programme starts at the beginning of March.

The program will delve into the causes and effects of climate change, exploring how citizens can and must mobilise to tackle these challenges and foster climate resilience.

The 2024 Annual Review of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) includes highlights from the major experiments at CERN. The lead contributor to one of them is Dr. Mindaugas Šarpis, a researcher in Vilnius University Faculty of Physics and the head of CERN LHCb Vilnius - a research group for experimental particle physics.

"The prestigious certificate from the EGI Federation is not only an award but also proof that the most powerful scientific supercomputer in the Baltic States is internationally recognized for its research and innovation. We hope that international cooperation will become more intensive," says Dr. Mindaugas Mačernis, researcher at the Faculty of Physics and Head of OAC "HPC Saulėtekis" and HPC Laboratory, Leader of LitGrid-HPC Infrastructure Project.
The Lithuanian High Performance Computing Center has been a member of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) since 2023. The Faculties of Physics and Mathematics and Informatics at Vilnius University are directly involved in the membership activities.
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