
All study programs at the Faculty of Physics are completed with a final thesis. Final thesis – a student's independent written work that meets the requirements of university studies, showing the student's ability to apply the knowledge acquired during studies, choose scientific literature and use it (present, analyse, interpret, etc.), apply research methods, independently solve tasks conclusions (mandatory) and recommendations (preferred), as well as demonstrating the ability to write the study accurately and clearly in the correct language. The final work must correspond to the student's field of study. 


The final thesis defence at the Faculty of Physics is open, and anyone can attend it unless the defence is deemed closed to the public.

The final thesis is defended in the final thesis defence commissions which are approved under the order of the Rector. Usually, defence of the final thesis is organised during the first week of June. Students of the Light Engineering study programme defend their thesis in the middle of January.

Only students who finished all of the study programme requirements, submitted their final thesis in the due time and have sent an evaluation of the supervisor as well as a review can defend their final thesis.

Students have to register for the defence of the final thesis no later than 5 days until the start of the Faculty final thesis defences.

During the defence of the final thesis, the student has to make a short presentation of his/her final thesis (up to 10 min). In the presentation, the student has to indicate the goal, task, shortly describe the research object, results, methods used, also present the main conclusions, and argument them, suggestions can also be presented. During the defence, student has to answer questions raised by the commission members or other people who participate in the public defence of the final thesis.

After the student presentation of the final thesis and questions, the supervisor and reviewer present their opinion on the work. If the supervisor and/or reviewer can not attend the defence, the chair of the final thesis defence commission reads out accordingly supervisor evaluation and/or review of the reviewer. Afterwards, the student is given chance to respond to the remarks of the reviewer and answer questions raised by the reviewer.

After all of the students made their presentations, the final thesis defence commission has a closed meeting where final grades are decided. After the closed meeting, the commission declares the final thesis grades to the students.



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