The Laser Research Centre (LRC) at Vilnius University, Physics Faculty, proudly highlights three outstanding nominees from the Lithuanian Academy of... Read more
The 2024 Lithuanian Science Prize in Technological Sciences for Experimental Development Work recognizes the series “High Power Multi-Optical Cycle Pulse... Read more
During the Vilnius University (VU) Faculty of Physics bachelor's diploma awarding ceremony, the named Professor Algis Petras Piskarskas Scholarship was... Read more
Laser Research Center doctoral student Erikas Atkočaitis won the SPIE Laser Damage MJ Soileau Best Student Paper Award for his... Read more
Advanced Biomedical Photonics Group
High-Intensity Laser Physics Group
Laser Nanophotonics group
Laser Radiation-Matter Interaction group
Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics group
Terahertz Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Optical Phenomena
Vilnius University Laser Research Center (VU LRC) is one of five departments in the Faculty of Physics. It conducts scientific research in the field of lasers: laser physics and spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, material science, biophotonics, laser engineering. Undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies are organized.
Dr. (HP) Virgilijus Vaičaitis
Group Leader/ Chief Researcher<br> Saulėtekio ave. 10, 503 office.<br>
Expertise & Services
Analysis/Characterization Equipment for General Use
Our general analysis and characterization equipment offers a comprehensive suite of tools to support diverse research needs. This includes high-resolution scanning electron...
OPCPA and High Intensity Laser Physics Facility
Studies of optical parametric amplification in high-energy regime, optical parametric chirped pulse amplification; nonlinear pulse compression techniques; few optical generation and characterization; light-matter interactions at high laser intensities...
Laboratory of Ultrafast Spectroscopy
Ultrafast absorption and emission spectroscopy; femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy; single shot (destructive) pump-probe measurements; time-resolved investigations of light-induced phenomena in biological pigments and proteins; measurement...
Nonlinear Optics Facility
Studies of ultrafast light-matter interactions: nonlinear propagation, spectral broadening, and supercontinuum generation in dielectric materials, semiconductors, and photonic crystal fibers; characterization of ultrashort pulse-induced nonlinear..
LIDT and Absorptance Testing Platform
Optics characterization experiments; standardized Laser-Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) measurements (single shot 1-on-1 tests) for destructive optics characterization in the deep UV to mid-IR range with nanosecond, picosecond and femtosecond laser...
Multi-Photon 3D Lithography
Laser additive manufacturing of free-form 3D micro-/nano-structures out of organic, hybrid organic-inorganic, and inorganic materials; study of polymerization photophysical and photochemical mechanisms, optimization of accuracy...
Femtosecond Micromachining Facility
Femtosecond laser micromachining of various materials, including bulk processing of optically transparent glasses and crystals; direct laser writing applications; precision laser cutting; 3D processing via laser-assisted chemical etching...
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Platform
Analysis of the chemical composition of materials using LIBS in the 175-1300 nm range; 2D mapping of the chemical composition of the surface; in-depth chemical analysis; on-line monitoring of laser micromachining processes via LIBS.
Laboratory of Advanced Biomedical Photonics
Evaluation of anti-cancer treatments in 2D and 3D cell cultures. Separation, identification, and quantification of compounds in a chemical mixture. Studies of tissue structure with polarimetric second harmonic generation (SHG), third harmonic...
Our Valued Partnerships
Extreme Light Infrastructure
European Research Infrastructure
Founder of ELI ERIC Extreme Light Infrastructure European Research Infrastructure
Lithuania (ŠMSM, VU LRC and FTMC LTS) together with the Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy. 30th Aplic 2021 established the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) ERIC research infrastructure
Integrated Initiative of European
Laser Research Infrastructures
Since 2004 VULRC is a member of
Integrated Initiative of European
Laser Research Infrastructures. On 29th of October 2018 VU LRC has become a Full Member of Laserlab Europe AISBL
The goal of the association is to cooperate and concentrate the efforts of members for purposeful activities so that the laser and light technology sector (science, studies, industry) becomes one of the essential aspects of Lithuania's competitiveness.