J. Banys, S. Armalyte, J. Pimpė, O. Balachninaitė, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Enhancing conversion efficiency of MgO:PPLN and Rb:PPKTP crystal-based subnanosecond optical parametric generators by utilizing a supercontinuum seed, Infrared Physics and Technology, 137, 105158 (2023);
V. Tamulienė, G. Stanionytė, T. Latvys, J. Vengelis, Subnanosecond visible two-stage optical parametric generator and amplifier based on MgO:PPLN and LBO crystals at strong pump depletion, Heliyon, 10, e37513 (2024). DOI:
J. Banys, S. Armalite, J. Pimpė, O. Balachninaitė, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Subnanosecond microlaser pumped fan-out grating design MgO:PPLN optical parametric generator continuously tunable from near- to mid-infrared, Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 171, 110433, ISSN 0030-3992 (2024); doi: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2023.110433
M. Kolenda, D. Kezys, T. Grinys, A. Vaitkevičus, A. Kadys, I. Reklaitis, V. Vaičaitis, R. Petruškevičius & R. Tomašiūnas, Green second-harmonic generation in a periodically poled planar GaN waveguide, Opt. Quant. Electron. 56, 778 (2024).
G. Zaremba , D. Paipulas, V. Vaičaitis, and O. Balachninaite, Effect of Femtosecond Ultraviolet and Infrared Laser Wavelength on Plasma Characteristics of Metals, Ceramics and Glass Samples Using Femtosecond Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 78 (6), 579-590 (2024).
D. Buožius, G. Balčas, V. Tamulienė, I. Babushkin, U. Morgner, V. Vaičaitis, Terahertz and far infrared radiation generation in air plasma created by bichromatic subpicosecond laser pulses, Appl. Phys. Lett., V. 124, p. 071113 (2024). DOI: Publication in Kudos:
T. Bukelis, E. Gaižauskas, O. Balachninaitė, D. Paipulas, Femtosecond IR and UV laser induced periodic structures on steel and copper surfaces, Surfaces and Interfaces, 102869, ISSN 2468-0230 (2023); doi: 10.1016/j.surfin.2023.102869.
Galmed, A. H., Balachninaite, Ona; Nassef, O. Aied, Effect of laser pulse duration on relative hardness estimation using LIBS, Optics and Laser Technology, 161, 109184 (2023); doi: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2023.109184.
J. Banys, J. Pimpė, O. Balachninaitė, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Non-destructive periodic poling quality evaluation of MgO:PPLN and Rb:PPKTP crystals based on crystal translation and parametric light generation, Optik. Munich:Elsevier, vol. 277, art. no. 170686, p. [1-9] (2023);
Semaltianos, Nikolaos G.; Balachninaitė, Ona; Juškėnas, Remigijus; Drabavičius, Audrius; Niaura, Gediminas; Hendry, Euan, “Femtosecond laser ablation of a bulk graphite target in water for polyyne and nanomaterial synthesis”, Applied sciences. Basel : MDPI AG. 2023, vol. 13, iss. 18, art. no. 10388, p. 1-14.
J. Banys, J. Pimpė, O. Balachninaitė, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Subnanosecond microlaser pumped fan-out grating design MgO:PPLN optical parametric generator continuously tunable from near- to mid-infrared, Optics and Laser Technology, 171, 110433 (2023);
V. Vaičaitis, O. Balachninaitė, A. Matijošius, I. Babushkin, and U. Morgner, Direct time-resolved plasma characterization with broadband terahertz light pulses, Phys. Rev. E 107, 015201 (2023).
J. Banys, J. Savickyte, O. Balachninaite, S. Armalyte, V. Tamuliene, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Performance investigation of high-efficiency widely tunable subnanosecond optical parametric generator and amplifier based on MgO: PPLN, Optics Express, 30, 459826 (2022)
Babushkin, I., Galán, Á.J., de Andrade, J.R.C., Husakou A., Morales F., Kretschmar M., Nagy T., Vaičaitis V., Shi L., Zuber D., Bergé L., Skupin S., Nikolaeva I. A., Panov N. A., Shipilo D. E., Kosareva O. G., Pfeiffer A. D., Demircan A., Vrakking M. J. J., Morgner U. & Ivanov M. All-optical attoclock for imaging tunnelling wavepackets. Nature physics 18, 417–422 (2022).
D. Buožius, B. Motiejūnas, V. Vaičaitis, and V. Tamulienė, Emission of conical THz radiation induced by bichromatic pump X waves in an air plasma, Phys. Rev. A 105, 023521 (2022).
O. Balachninaitė, J. Skruibis, A. Matijošius and V. Vaičaitis, Temporal and spatial properties of plasma induced by infrared femtosecond laser pulses in air, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31(4), 045001 (2022).
V. Vaičaitis, V. Tamulienė, Beam-distortion enhanced terahertz radiation generation in air, Results in Physics, 42, 105985 (2022).
O. Balachninaitė, V. Tamulienė, L. Eičas, V.Vaičaitis, Laser micromachining of steel and copper using femtosecond laser pulses in GHz burst mode, Results in Physics, 22, Article number: 103847 (2021).
V. Tamulienė, D. Buožius, and V. Vaičaitis. Plasma-assisted temporal shifts of bichromatic femtosecond laser pulses in air, Phys. Rev. A, V. 103 (3), Art. No. 033502 (2021).
V. Tamulienė, G. Juškevičiūtė, D. Buožius, V. Vaičaitis, I. Babushkin & U. Morgner, Influence of tunnel ionization to third-harmonic generation of infrared femtosecond laser pulses in air, Scientific Reports, V. 10, Article number: 17437 (2020).
C. Tailliez, A. Stathopulos, S. Skupin, D Buožius, I Babushkin, V Vaičaitis and L. Berge, Terahertz pulse generation by two-color laser fields with circular polarization, New J. Phys. V. 22, Article number: 103038 (2020).
J. Skruibis, O. Balachninaite, S. Butkus, V. Vaicaitis, V. Sirutkaitis, “Multiple-Pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Monitoring the Femtosecond Laser Micromachining Process of Glass”, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 111, pp. 295-302 (2019).
V. Vaičaitis, O. Balachninaitė, U. Morgner, and I. Babushkin, Terahertz radiation generation by three-color laser pulses in air filament, J. Appl. Phys. 125(17), 173103 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5078683.
V. Vaičaitis, Four-photon resonantly enhanced six-wave mixing and third-harmonic generation in potassium vapour, Appl. Phys. B (2019) 125(6): 95.
C. S. Ponseca, Jr., A. Arlauskas, H. Yu, F. Wang, I. Nevinskas, E. Dūda, V. Vaičaitis, J. Eriksson, J. Bergqvist, X.-K. Liu, M. Kemerink, A. Krotkus, O. Inganas, and F.Gao, Pulsed terahertz emission from solution-processed lead iodide perovskite films, ACS Photonics, 6(5), 1175−1181 (2019).
L. Mačernytė, J. Skruibis, V. Vaičaitis, R. Sirutkaitis and O. Balachninaitė, Femtosecond laser micromachining of soda–lime glass in ambient air and under various aqueous solutions, Micromachines, 10(6), 354 (2019);
M. Ivanov, I. Thiele, L. Bergé, S. Skupin, D. Buožius, and V. Vaičaitis, Intensity modulated terahertz vortex wave generation in air plasma by two-color femtosecond laser pulses, Optics. Lett. V. 44 (15), 3889-3892 (2019).