

A science popularisation publication on X-photon 3D nanolithography (


x photon 3d nanolithog 1

3D resolution bridge (RB) printing and line analysis. (a) Illustration of GDD pre-compensated pulses propagating to the objective of NA = 1.4. After they pass the objective, τ = 100 fs at each λ; (b) Illustration of the RB method. The suspended single-voxel-wide lines are photopolymerized between support pillars, each row with different light intensity; (c) SEM image of the entire RB object with lines and support pillars. The white scale bar at the bottom right corner is 20 µm; (d) Scheme representing calculated nef for used excitation light and their arrangement over measured absorbance spectra of photosensitized SZ2080. Gray vertical arrows visualize a number of photons for ground-to-excited state transition. Credit: Virtual and Physical Prototyping (2023). DOI: 10.1080/17452759.2023.2228324


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