
Vilnius University (VU) has risen by more than 30 positions in the new QS University Ranking. VU now ranks 439th and remains the clear leader in Lithuania. This year's rankings include an unprecedented number of higher education institutions – more than 5,000 – all over the world.

The employability ranking of VU graduates has also improved at a record pace, rising by 220 positions to 105th place compared to last year's figures. This indicator reflects the ability of institutions to ensure a high level of graduate employability and their impact on their professional fields. In addition, the faculty-student ratio gained an exceptionally high score, reaching 168th place in this category. This indicator is associated with a higher level of lecturer attention to the student.

‘I am proud that the University has managed to strengthen its position in the world rankings. It is particularly pleasing to note the significant progress we have made in graduate employability rates and the exceptionally good faculty-student ratio. This shows that our commitment to creating a personal, warm relationship in the community is also reflected by the success in the rankings', says Prof. Rimvydas Petrauskas, the Rector of Vilnius University.

VU is also among the world's most sustainable universities. In the recently launched QS sustainability ranking, VU has risen by 176 places to 471th position.

In addition to sustainability, VU scores well on indicators such as academic reputation, employer reputation, employability ranking, faculty-student ratio, and international research network compared to other national higher education institutions.

The international research network indicator, a relatively new criterion in the rankings, introduced in 2022, reflects the number and quality of individual international partners (higher education institutions) from different countries. In this category, VU is ranked 398th globally.

VU is in 405th place in the employer reputation category. This indicator represents how international employers value the institution’s graduates. VU also maintains a high position (472nd place) in terms of academic reputation. The reputation of institutions and their programmes is assessed by asking external academic experts to nominate universities in their field.

The QS World University Rankings assess higher education institutions on a total of eight criteria: academic reputation, employer reputation, citations per faculty, faculty-student ratio, international faculty ratio, international research network, international students ratio, and sustainability.

In 2024, QS University Ranking included 5,663 institutions from 106 countries around the world, with 21 institutions ranked for the first time.

53773278573 0106f18c94 kWith the end of the academic year approaching, Vilnius University (VU) graduates are invited to wear symbolic VU student caps instead of gowns. This will not only highlight the uniqueness of the VU community but also emphasise the University’s authenticity, traditions, and values.

"Every student is part of the VU history, just like the traditional student caps. By wearing them, we not only express our respect for the past and preserve traditions but also create a unique link with our Alma Mater," says Klėja Merčaitytė, President of the VU Students’ Representation.

The student caps reflect the influence of VU Jesuits – when they founded the University in the 16th century, certain academic symbols and clothing were introduced to represent the spirit and values of VU. The caps became an attribute distinguishing members of the academic community and symbolising their aspirations and commitment to science. This is what inspired VU to uphold this tradition.

Although we do not wear University caps on a daily basis, the Finis Anni Academici and Renovatio Studiorum events are a great opportunity to revive the old customs. By wearing a student cap, you can proudly demonstrate your belonging to the VU community and commitment to its values. Moreover, in warm summer weather, this symbolic attribute is a much more comfortable and practical choice.

VU-branded merchandise is available for purchase via the VU e-shop and at the physical shop located at Šv. Jono g. 12, Vilnius (entrance from Pilies g.).

We kindly encourage all VU graduates to foster this beautiful tradition!

Arqus Cultural Community Network, initiated by the Vilnius University (VU) Culture Centre in April 2023, has had an active and meaningful season of building connections and establishing foundations for future creative projects.

Community of Practice (CoP) – Arqus Cultural Community Network aims to bring together the cultural community of the Arqus Alliance into a long-term and sustainable network of partners maintain and community relations, and seek closer inter-institutional cooperation. The goal of the initiators of this CoP – is to get acquainted with the cultural, art and artistic activities carried out at universities and the specifics of their work, to share and exchange good practices and experiences, learn from each other, create a space and opportunity for sharing ideas, joint development, and implementation of international cultural initiatives, events, and projects, add a new dimension “Culture” on Arqus Alliance cooperation activities and agenda.

Arqus Cultural Community Network was initiated by VU Culture Centre project manager Sonata Adomaitienė and currently has 5 universities that are part of this Network:
• Vilnius University (VU Culture Centre)
• the University of Lyon 1 (Mission Culture)
• The University of Granada (La Madraza)
• Leipzig University
• The University of Padua

Building bridges

Granada VU Culture Centre team and Inma YusteAfter successful mutual exchange visits at partner university Lyon 1 Mission Culture in autumn 2023 (read more here), in November 2023, a new partner – the University of Granada and its Center of Contemporary Culture La Madraza – joined this CoP. In March 2024, Mrs. S. Adomaitienė, along with Gintė Jokubaitienė, Director of the VU Culture Centre, and Irina Bukina, Communication Specialist, visited the University of Granada and its Arqus Alliance Department, as well as La Madraza.

During the visit, the VU Culture Centre team met with and presented the CoP initiative to the Arqus Officer of Granada University, Inma Yuste Martínez. Ms. Martínez shared her insights about the possibilities for expanding this network's practice, expressed her support for the project, and encouraged the Lithuanian team to continue developing the Network.

Regarding La Madraza – Center for Contemporary Culture of UGR – it serves as the reference centre for the university's cultural programming, encompassing a wide range of activities related to artistic, musical, stage, and cinematographic practice, as well as humanities, social and legal sciences, and experimental, environmental, and technological sciences. Marina Hervás, the vice-director of La Madraza, hosted the VU Culture Centre team, showcasing the centre, organizing the meeting with the Vice-Rector for Outreach, Heritage and Institutional Relations, Margarita Sánchez Romero, and extending an invitation to the performance of the University of Granada Orchestra.

At the same time as the Lithuanian visit, La Madraza hosted the 21st International Theatre Festival of the University of Granada. Not only the VU Kinetic Theatre troupe (dir. Andrius Pulkauninkas) showcased their 2023 performance "Starting Point", but also a spin-off initiative to establish Arqus Theatre Network and bring together Arqus university theatres for joint collaboration and projects was suggested by the Coordinator of the Performing Arts Mario de la Torre.

Mrs. S. Adomaitienė reflects on the visit to the UGR: "La Madraza Cultural Centre is a very valuable partner to us, with its experience in initiating, developing, implementing, and organizing various cultural and art activities at the university. During the meetings, we discussed our individual approaches towards cultural and art promotions at the universities, our traditions, and offers of cultural activities for students, the community and the residents of the city. All this resulted in a very useful comparison of both Vilnius and Granada universities and findings of common ground for the joint work together in the future. During the visit, we had a unique possibility not just to explore the premises of the Cultural Centre but also to see two wonderful performances of La Madraza art groups – UGR Theatre performance “Hommo” directed by M. de La Torre and UGR Chamber orchestra’s concert."

After some networking in the previous months, on April 8-9, Mrs. S. Adomaitienė attended the Arqus Communities of Practice Board & CoPs Leaders meeting at the University of Wroclaw (Poland), where she reported on the CoP Arqus Cultural Community Network activities (read more here). At the meeting in Wroclaw, Arqus representatives decided it was important to visualize the diversity of the Community of Practices across the universities to the rest of the Arqus Alliance at the Annual Conference (this year organized by another Arqus university – University of Minho, Portugal), where CoPs will be presented in an exhibition.

Future of the Network

So, the 2023-2024 season has been very active – many connections were established, friendships and collaborations began and the seeds for cultural projects were planted. Today this CoP has 5 members, but hopefully, more Arqus Alliance universities will also join. For instance, a new member – Virtual Museum of Lusophony, a Cultural Unit of the University of Minho – has recently reached out about the possibility to join the CoP.

In any case, the VU Culture Centre team is planning further meetings with other universities' representatives in the coming season as well.

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Today, we come together to honor a significant event - the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. February 11th marks a pivotal moment in our global calendar, a day where we shine a bright light on the remarkable contributions and achievements of women and girls in the field of science.

As we reflect on this day, we are reminded of the countless women and girls who have fearlessly pursued their passion for science, breaking barriers, defying stereotypes, and paving the way for future generations. Their dedication, perseverance, and unwavering commitment have not only enriched the world of science but have also transformed our understanding of the universe and improved the quality of life for countless individuals around the globe.

Today, we honor the trailblazers -  Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Grace Hopper - who dared to dream beyond societal expectations and blazed a trail for others to follow. Their stories inspire us to push the boundaries of what is possible and to never underestimate the power of our own potential.

But today is not only about celebrating the achievements of the past; it is also about empowering the scientists of the future - our young women and girls who are poised to make their mark on the world. Today, we reaffirm our commitment to providing them with the support, resources, and opportunities they need to thrive in the world of science.

We must encourage and mentor the next generation of female scientists, ensuring that they have the confidence to pursue their passions and the resilience to overcome any obstacles they may face along the way. By nurturing their curiosity, fostering their creativity, and instilling in them a love for discovery, we can unlock their full potential and unleash a wave of innovation that will shape the future of our world.

So, let us use this day as a catalyst for change - a day to inspire, to educate, and to advocate for gender equality in science. Let us celebrate the diversity of voices and perspectives that women and girls bring to the table, recognizing that true progress can only be achieved when we harness the talents of all individuals, regardless of gender.

Together, let us strive to build a world where every woman and girl has the opportunity to pursue her dreams and contribute her unique gifts to the scientific community. Let us work towards a future where gender no longer dictates one's opportunities or success in the world of science.

On this International Day of Women and Girls in Science, young female researchers, doctoral candidates from Vilnius Universityand Kaunas University of Technology, came together and shared what science and their chosen path in doctoral studies mean to them.

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On November 25-30, astrophysicists Juan Carlos Suárez Yanes (group leader), Antonio García Hernández, Sebastià Barceló Forteza and Giovanni Mirouh from the Group of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis at the University of Granada visited Lithuania. The University of Granada (Universidad de Granada) is one of the ten ARQUS European University Alliance members, along with Vilnius University.

The researchers went to the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory (MAO) and the Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology. After returning to Vilnius, they worked on an asteroseismology project at the VU Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy (TFAI), were welcomed by the ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Lithuania, María Nieves Blanco Díaz, and visited the historical VU astronomy observatory in the Central building of Vilnius University.

The guests also conducted seminars: Sebastià Barceló Forteza‘s presentation titled ‘The Quest to Analyse Delta Scuti Stars: From Light Curves to Characterised Stars’ and Giovanni Mirouh‘s ‘Asteroseismology of Rapidly-Rotating Stars: Recent Progress on a Challenging Topic’.

The first presentation began with the words of the group leader, Juan Carlos Suárez Yanes, who introduced the team. Meanwhile, the last one was concluded by Antonio García Hernández, who also with the attendees discussed the ongoing and future common projects.

This visit was the continuation of a previous one that Dr Erika Pakštienė and Dr Carlos Viscasillas Vázquez, researchers at the VU TFAI Astrospectroscopy and Exoplanets Group, had at the University of Granada last September. At that time, the primary aim was to model a specific Delta Scuti-type star in a binary system discovered at the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory.

‘Interacting and collaborating with the asteroseismologists from Granada provides us with a chance to enhance our expertise in this valuable and fascinating field of knowledge’, claimed Dr Carlos Viscasillas Vázquez.

‘I am extremely happy that we got in contact with astronomers from Granada University, as we found a lot of mutual interests, which should lead to a scientific production quite soon’, shared Dr Erika Pakštienė.

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Congratulations to Dr. Thomas Gajdosik, Lecturer at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, who has been named the best lecturer for 2023.

Dr. Thomas Gajdosik received the most support from the students of the Faculty of Physics in 2023. He is highly respected for his professionalism, academic care, sincerity and attentiveness.


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On 15 November, as the world celebrates Philanthropy Day, the family of Dr Algirdas Juozapavičius, a student and colleague of Prof. Algis Petras Piskarskas (1942-2022), has donated EUR 100,000 to the named Prof. Piskarskas Endowment Sub-Fund, established earlier this year at the Vilnius University Foundation, the returns of which will be allocated for the named scholarships to laser physics talents.

The named sub-fund established by Light Conversion, a major ultrafast laser technology company, together with the Piskarskas family, has grown to EUR 300,000 following the Juozapavičius family's contribution, making it the largest endowment sub-fund managed by the VU Foundation.

Dr. Algirdas Juozapavičius is a former shareholder of the company Light Conversion, its long-time CEO (1994-2019), a Doctor of Physical Sciences, one of the pioneers of the Lithuanian laser industry, and has been awarded The Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits to Lithuania, and the St. Christopher Statue of Vilnius for his contributions to science and business. In 2018, he was elected CEO of the Year by "Verslo žinios".

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The 67th International Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences ‘Open Readings 2024’ invites its potential presenters to register!

The annually held ‘Open Readings 2024’ conference gathers over 400 students and researchers worldwide to share their scientific experience. Its participants actively exchange innovative ideas and the results of their latest carried out research. The conference grants the opportunity for BSc, MSc and PhD students to present posters and give talks on their scientific research to a larger audience, receive constructive criticism and insightful advice. The conference as well provides its participants and the general public with a great chance to listen to lectures of leading and accomplished scientists on a wide range of scientific topics. 

The conference also holds a Pupils’ Session, where many of the brightest students in Lithuania partake every year. 

Potential ‘Open Readings 2024’ presenters are invited to register through this link

The links for the conference’s main session’s listener registration and the Pupils’ Session’s presenter and listener registration will be published on the main ‘Open Readings’ page

The conference will take place on April 23-26, 2024, on-site in the Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology (NFTMC) in Vilnius, Lithuania. In case of any questions arising, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at . 

In the meantime, we greatly encourage you to actively follow the news on the main ‘Open Readings’  page.


From July 3rd to 5th, nearly 100 quantum physics researchers from around the world will gather in Vilnius. They are attending the international conference Humboldt Kolleg "Synthetic Quantum Matter," organized by the Physics Faculty of Vilnius University in collaboration with the Lithuanian Physical Society. The scientists will share the latest information on synthetic quantum systems, including ultracold atoms, photonic and condensed matter systems.

According to the organizers, the conference theme is closely related to quantum computing, which has recently received significant attention, and the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for outstanding achievements in this field.

"Control of quantum systems is a very important and relevant issue in modern physics due to applications in rapidly advancing fields of quantum informatics, quantum computing, and quantum simulations. In the latter case, the study of well-controlled quantum systems, such as ultracold atoms, helps us better understand the properties of more complex and technologically significant quantum systems and phenomena, such as high-temperature superconductivity," says the main conference organizer, Professor Gediminas Juzeliūnas from the Faculty of Physics at Vilnius University.

The conference will be attended by researchers from Germany, Italy, Austria, Poland, Finland, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the United States, Taiwan, and other countries. The majority of them are physicists working at the forefront of synthetic quantum systems. Among them is renowned Professor Reiner Blatt from the University of Innsbruck (Austria), a member of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Council, who achieved the world's first teleportation of atomic ions and has received numerous prestigious awards for this and other important scientific work.

This year's conference in Lithuania is organizing by a Humboldtian Professor G. Juzeliūnas, along with his colleagues Mažena Mackoit-Sinkevičiene, Domantas Burba, Edvinas Gvozdiovas, Algirdas Mekys, Mantas Račiūnas, and Dzmitry Viarbitski. This is the second Humboldt conference of this kind in Lithuania, the first one was taking place in Vilnius in 2018.

The Humboldt Foundation, which supports science and research, brings together 26,000 Humboldtians who are top specialists from all fields of science from 140 countries. Fifty-one Humboldtians are Nobel Prize laureates. Many Humboldtians are well-known experts in quantum simulations and quantum computing, studying ultracold atoms and ions, and advancing the field of photonics.
The presentations at the Humboldt Kolleg conference will be recorded and made available on the conference website.


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4 July, 17.00. Dr Sara García Alonso, an astronaut and cancer medicine researcher from Spain, will visit Vilnius University Science Communication and Information Centre (Saulėtekio al. 5). She will give a public lecture on "Human spaceflights in the 21st century".

This public lecture is part of the Milky Way - Gaia 3-day school. It will explore new ways to increase inclusiveness in science, to improve the quality of science itself and to increase its impact. The school community, with the support of experts from scientific and social disciplines, will discuss best current practices, learn about possible new initiatives and solutions, speakers will explain how equality, diversity and inclusion are essential to their research.

The event marks the start of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union

The event is organised by the Embassy of Spain in Lithuania in collaboration with the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy at Vilnius University.

Read more about the MW-Gaia WG5 School here.

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"ESA astronaut training"

Photo from

Congratulations to the Lithuanian team of students who won a gold medal, two silver medals, a bronze medal and a letter of commendation at the 7th European Physics Olympiad in Hanover, Germany, 16-20 June 2023! The gold medal was won by Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium graduate Tomas Babelis, the silver medals were won by Klaipėda Lyceum graduate Jokūbas Viršilas and Vilnius Lyceum student Paulius Kalinauskas, the bronze medal was won by Kaunas University of Technology Gymnasium graduate Tomas Razbadauskas, and the letter of commendation was awarded to Kaunas University of Technology Gymnasium graduate Dominykas Krasauskas. The team was led by Dr. Jevgenij Chmeliov, associate professor at the Faculty of Physics. Three of the five team members deepened their knowledge of physics by studying at the "Fizikos Olimpas", a school of supplementary education for schoolchildren located at the Faculty of Physics premises.

176 students from 28 European and 10 other countries took part in the Olympiad. During the Olympiad, students competed against each other for two days of 5 hours each, solving experimental and theoretical problems prepared by the organisers of the Olympiad. 


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21 June, St. On June 25, 2023 graduates were awarded their Bachelor's and Master's diplomas at St. John's Church. During the celebration, the graduates were greeted by the Vice-Rector of Vilnius University, Professor Edita Sužiedėlienė, the Dean of Vilnius University Faculty of Physics, Aidas Matijošius, and the guest of honour, the Chairman of the Board of the Ekspla Private Limited Liability Company, one of the largest companies of the Lithuanian Laser Association, Dr. Kęstutis Jasiūnas, and the graduate Mantas Auruškevičius.

During the ceremony, three Faculty of Physics BA graduates were awarded one-off nominal scholarships for their special achievements.

500 EUR Dr. Remis Gaška's nominal scholarship for the best Bachelor's thesis was awarded to Mantas Auruškevičius and Domantas Burba.

The aim of this scholarship is to encourage talented students of the Faculty of Physics of Vilnius University to improve their academic performance, participate in research and pursue a career in physics and physical devices. This scholarship is awarded for the best bachelor thesis defended this year. The certificates for this scholarship were presented by Prof. Pranciškus Vitta, Vice Dean for Science and Strategic Development of the Faculty of Physics.



TELE2 Private Limited Liability Company has established a nominal scholarship for the best Bachelor's thesis in the field of Telecommunications and M2M technologies.

The EUR 500 nominal scholarship of UAB TELE 2, intended to encourage talented students of the Faculty of Physics of Vilnius University to achieve better results in their studies, to take part in research in the field of Telecommunications and to pursue a career in the field of Telecommunications and M2M technologies, has been awarded to the graduate of the Faculty of Physics' Bachelor of Continuous Studies in the Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies study programme, Eidvidas Šatkauskas, for the best Bachelor's thesis in the area of telecommunications and M2M technologies. The scholarship certificate was handed over by Julija Tumaitė, HR Business Partner of Tele2 Private Limited Liability Company.


Congratulations to all graduates!

20 June 2023 The Presidium of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LAS), on the basis of the proposals of the expert commissions of the scientific divisions of the LAS for Young Scientists' Fellowships, has awarded 15 fellowships to the best young scientists in the fields of humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, biomedical sciences, technology and agriculture.

For the 2023 LMA Young Scientists Fellowships, 70 applications were submitted: 18 in the humanities and social sciences, 52 in the physical sciences, biomedicine, technology and agriculture. One of these fellowships was awarded to Dr Mantas Šimėnas.

The applications were evaluated by the LMA's panels of experts in the different fields of science. Three fellowships were awarded in each of the humanities and social, physical, biomedical, technological and agricultural sciences. Of these, 3 scholarships were awarded to young scientists from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, 2 scholarships were awarded to young scientists from Vilnius, Klaipėda and Vilnius Gediminas Technical Universities and the Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology, and 1 scholarship was awarded to young scientists from Kaunas University of Technology, the National Cancer Institute, the Nature Research Centre, and the Lithuanian Centre of Agrarian and Forest Sciences.

Information from the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

Light Conversion, a major ultrafast laser technology company, together with the family of late academician Prof. Algis Petras Piskarskas (1942-2022), has made a donation of EUR 200,000 to the Vilnius University Foundation. At the request of the patrons, the donation has created a restricted endowment sub-fund in the name of Prof. Piskarskas, the returns of which will be allocated for the named scholarships to laser physics talents.

Prof. Piskarskas, known as the father of Lithuanian lasers and one of the country's most renowned scientists, has contributed significantly to the fact that Lithuania is today known as the country of laser science. Prof. Piskarskas has devoted a great deal of attention to the strategy of high-tech development and has strived to ensure the international competitiveness of the Lithuanian laser industry. Lithuanian lasers are today exported to more than 40 countries. This success would not have been possible without the contribution of Prof. Piskarskas and his students.

"In addition to creating world-class science and business, Prof. Piskarskas actively supported the idea of the first university’s endowment fund in Lithuania. In 2016, representing the company Light Conversion, Prof. Piskarskas signed the agreement establishing the VU endowment fund. Prof. Piskarskas was also involved in the management of the VU Foundation, advising on key strategic issues. I am glad that Light Conversion and the Piskarskas family are continuing the work started by Prof. Piskarskas," says Justinas Noreika, CEO of the VU Foundation.

According to Justinas Noreika, the newly established sub-fund will be jointly invested with the existing capital of the Foundation, which has grown to EUR 3.6 million with the latest donation. In honor of late Prof. Piskarskas, the returns will be allocated for the named scholarships to the laser science talents of the VU Faculty of Physics, and to fund other scientific activities at Vilnius University.



On the 23rd of March, 2023 An international ELI workshop organised by Vilnius University and the Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology will take place at the Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology A101 auditorium (Saulėtekio av. 3)



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We would like to inform you that the the abstract subbmission deadline to the International Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences ‘Open Readings 2023’ is extended until February 17th! Do not miss the chance to share your scientific work with students from all around the world. Best posters and oral presentations will be awarded.

Both registration and participation are free of charge!

Register here:

Contact e-mail: 


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Do not miss the chance to participate in the 66th International conference for students of physics and natural sciences ‘Open Readings 2023’!

The registration closes on February 3rd, 2023.

Register here:

Registration and participation are free of charge!

Every year hundreds of students and young scientists participate in the international science conference ‘Open Readings’, where they have an opportunity to share their scientific research with other students from all around the world. They can also listen to acclaimed invited speakers and scientists who make presentations on various scientific topics (you can find more information about the conference and invited speakers here:

Students can present posters or give oral presentations about their scientific research. More information about abstract and presentation requirements is here:

‘Open Readings 2023’ will be held on April 18th-21st, 2023, in the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, in Vilnius, Lithuania. 

Contact information: 


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The virtual "Edtech Conference & Hackathon: Education inside Metaverse", which will take place from 22 to 27 November, will bring together visioneers, leaders of technology companies, Lithuanian education policy makers, educators, representatives of the education sector and start-ups in one space. During the Conference, insights will be shared on a brighter and more technologically advanced future for education in the Metaverse, and during the Hackathon participants will develop effective solutions for the future of education.

If you are #EdTech or #Metaverse enthusiast, educator, student or entrepreneur – JOIN EdTech Hackathon & Conference 2022. Get to know, discuss & contribute to Education inside Metaverse!

When? Conference – November 22nd. Hackathon - November 25th – 27th.

Where? Online

What’s in it for me? Cash prize fund of 6000 Eur, building new connections & business knowledge.


More information: 

Event organized by Vilnius University Business School together with Western Union Lithuania and National Agency for Education.


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Red Hat Academy is launching a promotion where the first 1,000 students who complete their Red Hat Academy Talent Network profile will receive a free exam voucher for a Preliminary Exam in Red Hat System Administration I! The promotion started October 24th, 2022 and runs through December 31st, 2022.

Requirements and prerequisites

  • Must have been enrolled as a student in the Red Hat Academy program
  • Completed at least 25% of the Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) course through Red Hat Academy between September 1st, 2020 through October31st, 2022
  • Must have a completed student profile on the Red Hat Academy Talent Network, after October 24th, 2022
  • Review theRedHat Preliminary Exam in System Administration I (PE124) objectives

For more details, please see the Terms & Conditions. Share and encourage your students to redeem this offer today.

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