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Light in Science? It is not only molecular level information, but also Fun! |
Atomo fizika (Andrius Poškus)
Atomo fizika ir branduolio fizikos eksperimentiniai metodai. Priedai (Andrius Poškus)
Branduolio fizika (Andrius Poškus)
Eksperimentinė branduolio fizika (Andrius Poškus)
Elementariosios daleles ir kosminiai spinduliai (Andrius Poškus)
Komutavimas ir maršrutizavimas lokaliuose tinkluose (Feliksas Kuliešius, Kęsturis Svirskas, Artūras Rožė)
Krūvio pernašos vyksmų skaitinis modeliavimas (Andrius Poškus)
Kvantinės chemijos uždavinių rinkinys (Kęstutis Aidas)
Modernioji molekulių virpesinė spektrometrija (Valdas Šablinkas ir Justinas Čeponkus)
Signalai telekomunikacijų sistemose (Andrius Poškus)
Taikomoji optika (Vytautas Balevičius)
Scientific laboratories of the institute are always looking for the motivated students. Whenever possible, the students are involved in the research projects implemented by the institute and are encouraged to carry out ERASMUS internships abroad at laboratories of our partners. Usually such internships end up in preparation of joint publications on the basis of obtained scientific results. Students are also encouraged to self-test their suitability for scientific work by making oral or poster presentations at popular international student conference “Open Readings”. The director of the institute and the heads of research laboratories are always on hand to help students take their first steps in the labs. Contact details of the laboratories are listed below.
Scientific Laboratories of the Institute and their Managers
Laboratory name |
Location |
Laboratory manager |
1 |
Laboratory of Molecular Plasmonic Spectroscopy |
B321 |
2 |
Laboratory of Molecular Vibrational Spectroscopy |
B322 |
3 |
Laboratory of Molecular Vibrational Cryo-spectroscopy |
B316 |
4 |
Laboratory of Luminescence and Raman Spectroscopy |
B334 |
5 |
Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopies |
C005, C006 |
6 |
Laboratory of Electronic and Optical Microscopy |
C014, C015 |
7 |
Laboratory of Vacuum Formation of Thin Films |
C001, C002 |
8 |
Laboratory of Formation of Multilayer Organic Derivatives - 2xGBX |
C012, C013 |
9 |
Laboratory of Chemical Vapour Deposition (clean room) |
C018 |
10 |
Laboratory of Charge Transfer Processes |
A331,A332 |
11 |
Laboratory of Electrographic and Charge Transfer Processes |
A328, A329 |
12 |
Laboratory of Electron Spectroscopy |
A330 |
13 |
Laboratory of Dielectrical Spectroscopy |
A327 |
14 |
Open Access Center HPC „Saulėtekis“ |
B425, B426 |
14 |
Open Access Center „SPECTROVERSUM“ |
B316, B321, B322 C005, C006 |
15 |
Computer Modeling laboratory |
FF311 |