We aim to propagate scientific research of solid-state lighting. Our activities encompass the investigation, optimization and application of LEDs and their systems for general and specialized lighting. An emphasis is put on LED array and system optimization by varrying the spectral power composition. Our research equipment and software enables us to perform thorough and comprehensive optical, thermal and electrical characterization and optimization for LEDs and other small-sized light systems. In addition to general lighting, we specialize in several specific fields of application, such as greenhouse lighting, medical lighting, and applications of lighting for the control of bacteria and biofilms. Currently the lighting research group is working on several new and ambitious topics.
Prof. Pranciškus Vitta Chief researcher Saulėtekis av. 3, room A204 Phone: +370 5223 4474 Dr. Irina Buchovec Researcher Saulėtekis av. 3, room A205 Phone: +370 5223 4475 Dr. Algirdas Novičkovas Researcher Saulėtekis av. 3, room A205, Phone: +370 5223 4475 Dr. Akvilė Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė Researcher Saulėtekis av. 3, room A205 Phone: +370 5223 4475 Prof. Artūras Žukauskas Professor emeritus Dr. Živilė Lukšienė Professor
Lighting research lab Equipment: Laboratory supervisor: Dr. Pranciškus Vitta
Ongoing: Number: 4000129495/19/NL/SC Head: dr. Pranciškus Vitta Duration: 2020-2021 Funding: 98 000 € Agency : European Space Agency (ESA)
B. Žudytė, Ž. Lukšienė, “Visible light-activated ZnO nanoparticles for microbial control of wheat crop”, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Vol. 219, p. 112206 (1-8), 2021 A. Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė, J. Aglinskaitė, P. Vitta, „The reduction of the thermal quenching effect in laser-excited phosphor converters using highly thermally conductive hBN particles“, Scientific Reports Vol. 11, p. 6755 (11), 2021 Ž. Lukšienė, „Chapter 2.24. Photosensitization: Principles and Applications in Food Processing“, in Innovative Food Processing Technologies, Publisher: Elsevier, Pages 368-384, 2021. G. Inkrataite, A. Zabiliute-Karaliune, J. Aglinskaite, P. Vitta, K. Kristinaityte, A. Marsalka, R. Skaudzius, “Study of YAG:Ce and Polymer Composite Properties for Application in LED Devices”, ChemPlusChem 85, 1504–1510,2020. J. Grigorjevaite, E. Ezerskyte, J. Páterek, S. Saitzek, A. Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė, P. Vitta, D. Enseling, T. Jüstel, A. Katelnikovas, “Luminescence and luminescence quenching of K2Bi(PO4)(MoO4):Sm3+ phosphors for horticultural and general lighting applications”. Mater. Adv. 1, 1427–1438, 2020. A. Virsile, A. Brazaityte, V. Vastakaite-Kairiene, J. Miliauskiene, J. Jankauskiene, A. Novickovas, K. Lauzike, G. Samuoliene "The distinct impact of multi-color LED light on nitrate, amino acid, soluble sugar and organic acid contents in red and green leaf lettuce cultivated in controlled environment," Food Chem. 300, Art. No. 125799, 2020. Z. Luksiene, N. Rasiukeviciute, B. Zudyte, N. Uselis "Innovative approach to sunlight activated biofungicides for strawberry crop protection: ZnO nanoparticles," J. Photochem. photobiol. B Biol. 203 Art. No. 11656, 2020. V. Lukseviciute, Z. Luksiene "Inactivation of molds on the surface of wheat sprouts by chlorophyllin-chitosan coating in the presence of visible LED-based light," J. Photochem. photobiol. B Biol. 202 Art. No. 111721, 2020. B. Žudytė, M. Velička, V. Šablinskas, and Ž. Lukšienė, „Understanding Escherichia coli damages after chlorophyllin-based photosensitization“, Journal of Biophotonics, Vol. 13, p. E202000144 (1-11), 2020. E. Polmickaitė-Smirnova, J. Šarlauskas, K. Krikštopaitis, Ž. Lukšienė, Z. Staniulytė, and Ž. Anusevičius, “Preliminary Investigation of the Antibacterial Activity of Antitumor Drug 3-Amino-1,2,4-Benzotriazine-1,4-Dioxide (Tirapazamine) and its Derivatives”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, p.4062 (1-15), 2020. M.I. Rodríguez-López, V.M. Gómez-López, V. Lukševičiūtė, and Ž. Lukšienė, “Modelling the Inactivation and Possible Regrowth of Salmonella enterica Treated with Chlorophyllin-Chitosan Complex and Visible Light”, Food Technology and Biotechnology, Vol. 58, p. 64-70, 2020. I. Buchovec, A. Gricajeva, L. Kalėdienė, P. Vitta, „Antimicrobial photoinactivation approach based on natural agents for control of bacteria biofilms in spacecraft“, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 21, p. 6932 (1-27) 2020. A. Virsile, A. Brazaityte, V. Vastakaite-Kairiene, J. Miliauskiene, J. Jankauskiene, G. Samuoliene, A. Novickovas, and P. Duchovskis "Nitrate, nitrite, protein, amino acid contents, and photosynthetic and growth characteristics of tatsoi cultivated under various photon flux densities and spectral light compositions," Scient. Hortic. 258, Art No. 108781, 2019. I. Reklaitis, L. Krencius, T. Malinauskas, S. Yu. Karpov, H. J. Lugauer, I. Pietzonka, M. Strassburg, P. Vitta, R. Tomassiunas „Time of carrier escape and recombination coefficients in InGaN quantum-well active regions of blue, cyan, and green light-emitting diodes,“ Semicond. Sci. Technol. 34(1), art. No. 015007, 2019. A. Brazaityte, A. Virsile, G. Samuoliene, V. Vastakaite-Kairiene, J. Jankauskiene, J. Miliauskiene, A. Novickovas, and P. Duchovskis "Response of Mustard Microgreens to Different Wavelengths and Durations of UV-A LEDs," Front. Plant Sci. 10 Art. No. 1153, 2019. A. Virsile, A. Brazaityte, V. Vastakaite-Kairiene, J. Miliauskiene, J. Jankauskiene, A. Novickovas, G. Samuoliene "Lighting intensity and photoperiod serves tailoring nitrate assimilation indices in red and green baby leaf lettuce," J Sci. Food Agric. 99 (14) pp. 6608-6619, 2019. B. Zudyte, Z. Luksiene "Toward better microbial safety of wheat sprouts: chlorophyllin-based photosensitization of seeds," Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 18 (10) pp. 2521-2530, 2019. Z. Luksiene, I. Buchovec "Impact of chlorophyllin-chitosan coating and visible light on the microbial contamination, shelf life, nutritional and visual quality of strawberries," Inov. Food Sci. Emerg. Techn. 52, pp. 463-472, 2019. E. Paskeviciute, B. Zudyte, Z. Luksiene "Innovative Nonthermal Technologies: Chlorophyllin and Visible Light Significantly Reduce Microbial Load on Basil," Food Techn. Biotechn. 57 (1) pp.126-132, 2019. A. Petrulis, L. Petkevičius, P. Vitta, R. Vaicekauskas and A. Žukauskas “Exploring Preferred Correlated Color Temperature in Outdoor Environments Using a Smart Solid-State Light Engine, ” Leukos, 14 pp 95-106, 2018. A. Virsile, A. Brazaityte, J. Jankauskiene, J. Miliauskiene, V. Vastakaite-Kairiene, I. Odminyte, A. Novickovas, G. Samuoliene "Pre-harvest LED lighting strategies for reduced nitrate contents in leafy vegetables," Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 105 (3), pp 249-256, 2018. E. Paskeviciute, B. Zudyte, Z. Luksiene "Towards better microbial safety of fresh produce: Chlorophyllin-based photosensitization for microbial control of foodborne pathogens on cherry tomatoes," J. Photochem. photobiol. B Biol. 182 pp. 130-136, 2018. G. Samuoliene, A. Virsile, A. Brazaityte, J. Jankauskiene, S. Sakalauskiene, V. Vastakaite, A. Novickovas, A. Viskeliene, A. Sasnauskas and P. Duchovskis "Blue light dosage affects carotenoids and tocopherols in microgreens," Food Chem. 228, pp. 50-56, 2017. A. Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė, H. Dapkus, P. Vitta, A. Petrulis, A. Žukauskas, “Phosphor-Converted Light-Emitting Diodes of Preferential Color Properties”, Proceedings of 13th AIC Congress 2017 (Jeju, South Korea, 16th–20th, October, 2017) OS21 I. Reklaitis, F. Nippert, R. Kudžma, T. Malinauskas, S. Karpov, I. Pietzonka, H. J. Lugauer, M. Strassburg, P. Vitta, R. Tomašiūnas, and A. Hoffmann “Differential carrier lifetime in InGaN-based light-emitting diodes obtained by small-signal frequency-domain measurements,” J. Appl. Phys. 121, Art. No. 035701 (2017). K. Aponiene, T. Serevicius, Z. Luksiene, S. Jursenas "Inactivation of bacterial biofilms using visible-light-activated unmodified ZnO nanorods," Nanotechn. 28 (36) Art. No. 365701, 2017. I. Buchovec, V. Lukseviciute, R. Kokstaite, D. Labeikyte, L. Kaziukonyte, Z. Luksiene "Inactivation of Gram (-) bacteria Salmonella enterica by chlorophyllin-based photosensitization: Mechanism of action and new strategies to enhance the inactivation efficiency," J. Photochem. photobiol. B Biol. 172 pp. 1-10, 2017. A. Žukauskas, R. Vaicekauskas, P. Vitta, A. Tuzikas, A. Zabiliūtė, A. Petrulis, Solid-state sources of light for preferential colour rendition, USA Patent US9370072 B2, Patent No. Appl. EP2962530 A1 (2016). A. Zabiliūtė, A. Žukauskas, R. Vaicekauskas, P. Vitta, Photobiologically Friendly Phosphor Converted Light-Emitting Diode, PCT Patent App. No EP3060624 A1 (2016). I. Reklaitis, R. Kudzma, S. Miasojedovas, P. Vitta, A. Zukauskas, R. Tomasiunas, I. Pietzonka, M. Strassburg “Photoluminescence Decay Dynamics in Blue and Green InGaN LED Structures Revealed by the Frequency-Domain Technique,” J. Electron. Mat. 45 (7) pp. 3290-3299 (2016). A. Baguckis, A. Novickovas, A. Mekys, V. Tamosiunas, "Compact hybrid solar simulator with the spectral match beyond class A," J Photon Energ. 6 (3) Art. No. 035501, 2016. N. Rasiukeviciute, A. Valiuskaite, N. Uselis, J. Viskelis, Z. Luksiene "Attempts to use photosensitization for preservation of strawberry cultivar 'Darselect': effects on shelf-life, nutritional and organoleptic properties'' excluding Photosensitization for preservation of strawberry," J. Plant Diseases Protect. 123 (3) pp. 125-131, 2016. D. Dementavicius, V. Lukseviciute, V.M. Gomez-Lopez, Z. Luksiene, "Application of mathematical models for bacterial inactivation curves using Hypericin-based photosensitization," J. Appl. Microbiol. 120 (6) p.1492-1500, 2016. I. Buchovec, V. Lukseviciute, A. Marsalka, I. Reklaitis, Z. Luksiene "Effective photosensitization-based inactivation of Gram (-) food pathogens and molds using the chlorophyllin-chitosan complex: towards photoactive edible coatings to preserve strawberries," Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 15 (4) pp. 506-516, 2016. S. Butkutė, A. Zabiliūtė, R. Skaudžius, P. Vitta, A. Beganskienė, A. Žukauskas, A. Kareiva, Sol–gel synthesis, characterization and study of substitution effects in different gallium-containing garnets, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 76(1), 210–219 (2015). A. Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė, H. Dapkus, R. P. Petrauskas, S. Butkutė, A. Žukauskas, A. Kareiva, Cr3+ Doped Itrium and Gallium Garnet Phosphor for Phosphor-Conversion Light Emitting Diodes, Lith. J. Phys. 55(3), 200–207 (2015). A. Zabiliūtė, A. Žukauskas, R. Vaicekauskas, P. Vitta “Fotobiologiškai draugiškas konversijos fosfore šviestukas”, patent of Republic of Lithuania, No. 6215 (2015). A. Novickovas, A. Baguckis, A. Mekys, and V. Tamosiunas "Compact Light-Emitting Diode-Based AAA Class Solar Simulator: Design and Application Peculiarities," IEEE J Photovoltaics 5 (4) pp. 137-1142, 2015. A. Brazaityte, S. Sakalauskiene, G. Samuoliene, J. Jankauskiene, A. Virsile, A. Novickovas, R. Sirtautas, J. Miliauskiene, V. Vastakaite, L. Dabasinskas, P. Duchovskis "The effects of LED illumination spectra and intensity on carotenoid content in Brassicaceae microgreens," Food Chem. 173 pp.600-606, 2015. A. Brazaityte, A. Virsile, J. Jankauskiene, S. Sakalauskiene, G. Samuoliene, R. Sirtautas, A. Novickovas, L. Dabasinskas, J. Miliauskiene, V. Vastakaite, A. Bagdonaviciene, P. Duchovskis "Effect of supplemental UV-A irradiation in solid-state lighting on the growth and phytochemical content of microgreens," Intern. Agrophys. 29 (1) pp.13-22, 2015.
Antimicrobial Photoinactivation Approach Based on Natural Agents for Control of Bacteria Biofilms in Spacecraft. Feasibility study.
Lighting Research Group
We aim to propagate scientific research of solid-state lighting. Our activities encompass the investigation, optimization and application of LEDs and their systems for general and specialized lighting. An emphasis is put on LED array and system optimization by varrying the spectral power composition. Our research equipment and software enables us to perform thorough and comprehensive optical, thermal and electrical characterization and optimization for LEDs and other small-sized light systems. In addition to general lighting, we specialize in several specific fields of application, such as greenhouse lighting, medical lighting, and applications of lighting for the control of bacteria and biofilms. Currently the lighting research group is working on several new and ambitious topics.