Ashutosh Sharma
Astrospektroskopijos ir egzoplanetų grupės narys
Darbo kabinetas: B416
Elektroninis paštas:
- Žvaigždžių su egzoplanetomis cheminė sudėtis.
- Aukštos rezoliucijos spektroskopija.
- Optiniai stebėjimai.
Moksliniai projektai
26/09/2023–25/09/2027: WG1, WG2, WG5 Member. COST Action (CA22133),” The birth of solar systems (PLANETS)”.
Kita veikla
Konferencijos, vorkšopai, mokyklos ir kursai
- Vorkšopas. ESO-UVES2020 Workshop. 2020 m. spalis. Nuotolinis. This virtual workshop celebrated 20 years of great UVES science and envisioned the future role of the instrument.
- Kursai. RED’21-Astrobiology Introductory Course. 2021 m. birželis. Nuotolinis. This school addressed the origins of life on Earth, its evolution and its distribution in the Universe and also the study of nature and extent of life in exoplanets through various lectures.
- Konferencija. PLATO Mission Conference 2021. 2021 m. spalis. Nuotolinis. This Conference aimed at presenting the status of the PLATO mission to the community, both on the satellite development and scientific preparation and at bringing experts working on observations and theory associated with any of the PLATO science objectives.
- Vorkšopas. 2023 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Hybrid Workshop and EXCALIBUR Workshop. Nuotolinis. The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. This workshop covered theoretical modelling, interpretation, and observations of exoplanets using a variety of telescopes, techniques, and hands-on exercises, presented by leading experts in the field.
- Konferencija. Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) and Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Annual Week 2023 and Europlanet Telescope Network: Exoplanets. 2023 m. birželio 19-23 d. 2023. Bratislava, Slovakija. This meeting was held to support European planetary science and associated communities. The meeting was co-hosted with EPEC Annual Week 2023, the training school for the Europlanet Early Career. In the “Europlanet Telescope Network: Exoplanets” session of this meeting, I gave a talk on “Probing the C/O and Mg/Si elemental ratios in planet- harbouring stars”.
- Mokykla. Europlanet Summer School 2023 “Space missions: ground-based observations and science communication“. 2023 m. rugpjūčio 8-18 d. Molėtai, Lietuva (Gauti 2.5 ECTS kreditai už dalyvavimą). “This school aimed to give participants a thorough, multidisciplinary introduction into space missions and the ground-based observations required by space missions before and after launch, as well as an introduction to science communication.” Pristačiau doktorantūros temą..
- Vorkšopas. Stellar spectroscopy workshop. 2023 m. rugsėjo 27-28 d. Tõravere, Estija. “This workshop aimed at introducing the participants to the basics of stellar spectroscopy and data analysis, with a focus on intermediate-mass main-sequence stars (F-, A- and late B-type stars) and to give practical information on methods and codes that can be directly applied for the analysis of stellar spectra.”
- Konferencija. 45th Lithuanian National Physics Conference. 2023 m. spalio 25-27 d. Vilnius, Lietuva. Žodinis pranešimas: “Probing the light element ratios in planet-host stars”.
- Vorkšopai. Instrumentation and Spectral Surveys workshops. 2024 m. kovo 12-14 d. Upsala, Švedija. 2 dalių vorkšopas. Part 1 is dedicated to instrumentation and focuses on spectroscopy (basic functioning of spectrographs (long-slit, echelle, fiber/integral field), available instrumentation and its location (ESO, HST, JWST and other major ground-based observatories)). Part 2 focuses on the good practice of preparing observing proposals for various facilities.
- Konferencija. When stars meet planets: exploiting high-resolution observations. A conference in honour of Raffaele Gratton. 2024 m. liepos 22-26 d. Sekstenas, Italija. Žodinis pranešimas: "Probing the C, N, O and alpha-element abundances in planet-harbouring stars through high-resolution spectroscopy."