Habil dr. prof. Gintautas Tamulaitis
Phone: +370 615 57 525
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gintautas-tamulaitis-99b26b77/?originalSubdomain=lt
Institute / Center |
Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology (IPN)
Research Area |
Semiconductor physics; Spectroscopy; Nonlinear optics; Scintillators; Radiation detectors; Nanomaterials
Present position |
Professor, Chief researcher
Scientific Interests, Keywords |
Nonlinear optics; Scintillators; Radiation detectors; Nanomaterials; wide band gap semiconductors; light emitting diodes
Links to External Profile |
Most important publications |
- L. Martinazzoli, S. Nargelas, P. Boháček, R. Cala’, M. Dušek, J. Rohlíček, G. Tamulaitis, E. Auffray, M. Nikl, Compositional engineering of multicomponent garnet scintillators: Towards an ultra-accelerated scintillation response, Materials Advances, 3, 6842-6852 (2022).
- G. Tamulaitis, S. Nargelas, M. Korjik, V. Mechinsky, Y. Talochka, A. Vaitkevicius, A. Vasil’ev, Transient optical absorption as a powerful tool for engineering of lead tungstate scintillators towards faster response, J. Materials Chemistry C, 10, 9521 (2022).
- K. Nomeika, Ž. Podlipskas, M. Nikitina, S. Nargelas, G. Tamulaitis, R. Aleksiejunas, Impact of carrier diffusion on the internal quantum efficiency of InGaN quantum well structures, J. Materials Chemistry C, 10, 1735-1745 (2022).
- M. Korzhik, G. Tamulaitis, A. Vasil'ev, Physics of Fast Processes in Scintillators, Springer, 262 pages, 2020, ISBN-13: 978-3-030-21965-9, ISBN-10: 3030219658.
- G. Tamulaitis, Influence of carrier localization on efficiency droop and stimulated emission in AlGaN quantum wells, in Handbook of Solid-State Lighting and LEDs (Series in Optics and Optoelectronics), 722 pages, Zhen Chuan Feng, edt., 1st edition, CRS Press, 2017, p. 243-284. ISBN-10: 149874141X, ISBN-13: 978-1498741415.
- J. Mickevičius, G. Tamulaitis, M. Shur, M. Shatalov, J. Yang, and R. Gaska, Internal quantum efficiency in AlGaN with strong carrier localization, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 211902 (2012).
- A. Katelnikovas, P. Vitta, P. Pobedinskas, G. Tamulaitis, A. Žukauskas, J.-E. Jørgensen, A. Kareiva, Photoluminescence in sol-gel derived YAG:Ce phosphors, J. Cryst. Growth, 304, 361-368 (2007).
- G. Tamulaitis, P. Duchovskis, Z. Bliznikas, K. Breivė, R. Ulinskaitė, A. Brazaitytė, A. Novičkovas, and A. Žukauskas, High-power light-emitting diode based facility for plant cultivation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38, 3182-3187 (2005).
- K. Kazlauskas, G. Tamulaitis, A. Žukauskas, M. A. Khan, J. W. Yang, J. Zhang, G. Simin, M. S. Shur, R. Gaska, Double-scaled potential profile in a group-III nitride alloy revealed by Monte Carlo simulation of exciton hopping, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 3722-3724 (2003).
- M. Asif Khan, J. W. Yang, G. Simin, R. Gaska, M. S. Shur, H. zur Loye, G. Tamulaitis, A. Zukauskas, D. J. Smith, D. Chandrasekhar, and R. Bicknell-Tassius, Lattice and energy band engineering in AlInGaN/GaN heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 1161-1163 (2000).
Project and/or Grant leadership |
- Excellence Center for Advanced Light Technologies at Vilnius University, project 6 on fast scintillators, 2023-2027, 818 600 Eur.
- Lithuanian Research Council, project Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0041 Neutron flux detection system with optical readout, 2018-2022 m., 529 447 Eur.
- Lithuanian Research Council, project Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0013 “Fast scintillators for radiation detectors”, 2018-2022 m., 591 144 Eur.
- Horizon 2020 programme RIA project „Advancement and Innovation for Detectors at Accelerators“, AIDAinnova (101004761); 2021 – 2025.
- Horizon 2020 programme ATTRACT project „Development of radiation-hard and cost-effective inorganic scintillators for calorimetric detectors based on binary glass compositions doped with cerium“, SCINTIGLASS; 2019-2020 m.
- H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015 project no. 654168, Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA-2020); 2015-2019.
- National Research Programme „Towards Future Technologies“, project „Nitride semiconductors for radiation-hard infrared detectors“, no. LAT-16022, 2015–2018, 299 995 Eur.
- Global Grant project „ Improvement of light emission in III-nitrides by boron introduction to increase lattice matching” VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-02-014, 2012-2015, 1,32 mln. LTL.
Invited talks |
- G. Tamulaitis, Potential and challenges of collaboration with CERN through the prism of one researcg group, 45th Lithuanian National Physics Conference, October 25-27, 2023, Vilnius.
- G. Tamulaitis, S. Nargelas, A. Vaitkevičius, Y. Talochka, A. Vasil‘ev, V. Mechinsky, M. Korjik, E. Auffray, Transient Optical Absorption Technique as a Tool for Routine and In-depth Characterization of Fast Scintillators, 16th Int. Conference on Scintillating Materials & their Applications, September 19-23, 2022, Santa Fe, USA
- G. Tamulaitis, E. Auffray, M. Korjik, S. Nargelas, A. Vaitkevičius, Response time as the key functional property of future scintillation materials, Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies, November 23-26, 2020, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
PhD students: S. Pakalnis (defended in 1993), I. Yilmaz (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, co-supervision with prof. M. Shur, 2006), K.Liu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, co-supervision with prof. M. Shur, 2009), J. Mickevičius (2009). D. Dobrovolskas (2013) , D. Ševčenko (2014), J. Jurkevičius (2016), A. Vaitkevičius (2021 m.), O. Kravcov (2022 m.), Y. Talochka (2024).
Teaching Courses |
- Materials Characterization Techniques,
- Energy Saving Semiconductor Technologies,
- Markets in Electronics and Photonics,
- Scientific Concept of the World (for non-science students)
Supervision of Students' Thesis |
Approximately 1 supervision per year
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
- Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,
- Chairman of Physics Section; member of the Vilnius University Council;
- former member of the Vilnius University Senate for 4 terms,
- Head of VU Senate Committee for 2 terms;
- Member of the Council of the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania;
- Former member of the councils of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Institute of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy;
- Former member of the Lithuanian Research Council, 2008-2010;
- Section chairmen of the Lithuanian Science Award Commission,
- Former member of All European Academies (ALLEA) Working Group on the ERA, the Energy Group of the European Physical Society, and the European Evaluation Network Group;
- Member of Crystal Clear Collaboration Board at CERN,
- Former chair of the Lithuanian Consortium for Particle Physics.
Expertise |
Former member and head of several work groups at the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science;
Former head of the Executive Group of the National Science Programme “Future Energy”;
Member of the Council of the Programme “Advanced Technologies” at the Lithuanian Research and Study Foundation;
Head of the working group for the Lithuanian Smart Specialization priority field “Novel Processes, Materials, and Technologies for Industry”;
Reviewer for journals of Elsevier, IOP, AIP and other publishers;
Evaluator of project proposals for programmes of the Research Council of Lithuania, funding agencies of Check Republic, Poland, and Finland, and Horizon projects;
Former member and head of several assessment groups of the Research Council of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, and the Lithuanian Ministry Education and Science;
Was involved in various evaluation and assessment activities, while working as a member of the Research Council of Lithuania, 2008-2010;
Currently involved in evaluation activities as the member of the Lithuanian Academy of Science.
Awards |
- Lithuanian National Science Award in 2002 and 2008
- Lithuanian Highest-Degree State Fellowship 2004-2005
Science popularization: scientific and educational activities |
Science popularization book G. Tamulaitis, Mokslas su prieskoniais, Tyto alba, Vilnius, 2015, ISBN 978-609-466-078-8.
Approximately one popularization paper or interview and one lecture for school students and teachers annually.
Link to Personal website |