
62bc3647787d4 Gintautas Tamulaitis min


Habil dr. prof. Gintautas Tamulaitis

Phone: +370 615 57 525




Institute / Center

Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology (IPN)

Research Area

Semiconductor physics; Spectroscopy; Nonlinear optics; Scintillators; Radiation detectors; Nanomaterials

Present position

Professor, Chief researcher

Scientific Interests, Keywords

Nonlinear optics; Scintillators; Radiation detectors; Nanomaterials; wide band gap semiconductors; light emitting diodes

Links to External Profile

Most important publications
  1. L. Martinazzoli, S. Nargelas, P. Boháček, R. Cala’, M. Dušek, J. Rohlíček, G. Tamulaitis, E. Auffray, M. Nikl, Compositional engineering of multicomponent garnet scintillators: Towards an ultra-accelerated scintillation response, Materials Advances, 3, 6842-6852 (2022).
  2. G. Tamulaitis, S. Nargelas, M. Korjik, V. Mechinsky, Y. Talochka, A. Vaitkevicius, A. Vasil’ev, Transient optical absorption as a powerful tool for engineering of lead tungstate scintillators towards faster response, J. Materials Chemistry C, 10, 9521 (2022).
  3. K. Nomeika, Ž. Podlipskas, M. Nikitina, S. Nargelas, G. Tamulaitis, R. Aleksiejunas, Impact of carrier diffusion on the internal quantum efficiency of InGaN quantum well structures, J. Materials Chemistry C, 10, 1735-1745 (2022).
  4. M. Korzhik, G. Tamulaitis, A. Vasil'ev, Physics of Fast Processes in Scintillators, Springer, 262 pages, 2020, ISBN-13: 978-3-030-21965-9, ISBN-10: 3030219658.
  5. G. Tamulaitis, Influence of carrier localization on efficiency droop and stimulated emission in AlGaN quantum wells, in Handbook of Solid-State Lighting and LEDs (Series in Optics and Optoelectronics), 722 pages, Zhen Chuan Feng, edt., 1st edition, CRS Press, 2017, p. 243-284. ISBN-10: 149874141X, ISBN-13: 978-1498741415.
  6. J. Mickevičius, G. Tamulaitis, M. Shur, M. Shatalov, J. Yang, and R. Gaska, Internal quantum efficiency in AlGaN with strong carrier localization, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 211902 (2012).
  7. A. Katelnikovas, P. Vitta, P. Pobedinskas, G. Tamulaitis, A. Žukauskas, J.-E. Jørgensen, A. Kareiva, Photoluminescence in sol-gel derived YAG:Ce phosphors, J. Cryst. Growth, 304, 361-368 (2007).
  8. G. Tamulaitis, P. Duchovskis, Z. Bliznikas, K. Breivė, R. Ulinskaitė, A. Brazaitytė, A. Novičkovas, and A. Žukauskas, High-power light-emitting diode based facility for plant cultivation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38, 3182-3187 (2005).
  9. K. Kazlauskas, G. Tamulaitis, A. Žukauskas, M. A. Khan, J. W. Yang, J. Zhang, G. Simin, M. S. Shur, R. Gaska, Double-scaled potential profile in a group-III nitride alloy revealed by Monte Carlo simulation of exciton hopping, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 3722-3724 (2003).
  10. M. Asif Khan, J. W. Yang, G. Simin, R. Gaska, M. S. Shur, H. zur Loye, G. Tamulaitis, A. Zukauskas, D. J. Smith, D. Chandrasekhar, and R. Bicknell-Tassius, Lattice and energy band engineering in AlInGaN/GaN heterostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 1161-1163 (2000).
Project and/or Grant leadership
  1. Excellence Center for Advanced Light Technologies at Vilnius University, project 6 on fast scintillators, 2023-2027, 818 600 Eur.
  2. Lithuanian Research Council, project Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0041 Neutron flux detection system with optical readout, 2018-2022 m., 529 447 Eur.
  3. Lithuanian Research Council, project Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0013 “Fast scintillators for radiation detectors”, 2018-2022 m., 591 144 Eur.
  4. Horizon 2020 programme RIA project „Advancement and Innovation for Detectors at Accelerators“, AIDAinnova (101004761); 2021 – 2025.
  5. Horizon 2020 programme ATTRACT project „Development of radiation-hard and cost-effective inorganic scintillators for calorimetric detectors based on binary glass compositions doped with cerium“, SCINTIGLASS; 2019-2020 m.
  6. H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015 project no. 654168, Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA-2020); 2015-2019.
  7. National Research Programme „Towards Future Technologies“, project „Nitride semiconductors for radiation-hard infrared detectors“, no. LAT-16022, 2015–2018, 299 995 Eur.
  8. Global Grant project „ Improvement of light emission in III-nitrides by boron introduction to increase lattice matching” VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-02-014, 2012-2015, 1,32 mln. LTL.
Invited talks
  • G. Tamulaitis, Potential and challenges of collaboration with CERN through the prism of one researcg group, 45th Lithuanian National Physics Conference, October 25-27, 2023, Vilnius.
  • G. Tamulaitis, S. Nargelas, A. Vaitkevičius, Y. Talochka, A. Vasil‘ev, V. Mechinsky, M. Korjik, E. Auffray, Transient Optical Absorption Technique as a Tool for Routine and In-depth Characterization of Fast Scintillators, 16th Int. Conference on Scintillating Materials & their Applications, September 19-23, 2022, Santa Fe, USA
  • G. Tamulaitis, E. Auffray, M. Korjik, S. Nargelas, A. Vaitkevičius, Response time as the key functional property of future scintillation materials, Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies, November 23-26, 2020, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students

PhD students: S. Pakalnis (defended in 1993), I. Yilmaz (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, co-supervision with prof. M. Shur, 2006), K.Liu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, co-supervision with prof. M. Shur, 2009), J. Mickevičius (2009). D. Dobrovolskas (2013) , D. Ševčenko (2014), J. Jurkevičius (2016), A. Vaitkevičius (2021 m.), O. Kravcov (2022 m.), Y. Talochka (2024).

Teaching Courses
  • Materials Characterization Techniques,
  • Energy Saving Semiconductor Technologies,
  • Markets in Electronics and Photonics,
  • Scientific Concept of the World (for non-science students)
Supervision of Students' Thesis

Approximately 1 supervision per year

Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.

  • Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,
  • Chairman of Physics Section; member of the Vilnius University Council;
  • former member of the Vilnius University Senate for 4 terms,
  • Head of VU Senate Committee for 2 terms;
  • Member of the Council of the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania;
  • Former member of the councils of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Institute of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy;
  • Former member of the Lithuanian Research Council, 2008-2010;
  • Section chairmen of the Lithuanian Science Award Commission,
  • Former member of All European Academies (ALLEA) Working Group on the ERA, the Energy Group of the European Physical Society, and the European Evaluation Network Group;
  • Member of Crystal Clear Collaboration Board at CERN,
  • Former chair of the Lithuanian Consortium for Particle Physics.
  • Former member and head of several work groups at the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science;

  • Former head of the Executive Group of the National Science Programme “Future Energy”;

  • Member of the Council of the Programme “Advanced Technologies” at the Lithuanian Research and Study Foundation;

  • Head of the working group for the Lithuanian Smart Specialization priority field “Novel Processes, Materials, and Technologies for Industry”;

  • Reviewer for journals of Elsevier, IOP, AIP and other publishers;

  • Evaluator of project proposals for programmes of the Research Council of Lithuania, funding agencies of Check Republic, Poland, and Finland, and Horizon projects;

  • Former member and head of several assessment groups of the Research Council of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, and the Lithuanian Ministry Education and Science;

  • Was involved in various evaluation and assessment activities, while working as a member of the Research Council of Lithuania, 2008-2010;

  • Currently involved in evaluation activities as the member of the Lithuanian Academy of Science.

  • Lithuanian National Science Award in 2002 and 2008
  • Lithuanian Highest-Degree State Fellowship 2004-2005
Science popularization: scientific and educational activities
  • Science popularization book G. Tamulaitis, Mokslas su prieskoniais, Tyto alba, Vilnius, 2015, ISBN 978-609-466-078-8.

  • Approximately one popularization paper or interview and one lecture for school students and teachers annually.

Link to Personal website



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