Astrometry and Photometry of hazardous asteroids and other objects.
Principal Investigator: dr. K. Černis, Chief Researcher
Duration: 2023.01.01 - 2027.12.31
Executors: Astrophotometry Group
Scientific objective: Searching for the new Near Earth and Main Belt Asteroids. Determination of physical characteristics for asteroids and comets of various groups, improvement of their orbital elements. Observations of specific Gaia and other objects.
Radiation transport, magnetohydrodynamic and stochastic phenomena in stars and stellar systems
Principal Investigator: prof. dr. A. Kučinskas, Chief Researcher
Duration: 2024.01.01 — 2028.12.31
Executors: Stars and Stellar Systems Physics Group
Scientific objective: Investigations of a) radiation, hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic phenomena on the structures of different types of stellar atmospheres and their spectrophotometric properties, and b) complex stellar system evolution dependency on their degree of stochasticity.
Characteristics of stellar chemical composition and exoplanets and chemical evolution of the Galaxy
Principal Investigator: habil. dr. G. Tautvaišienė, Chief Researcher
Duration: 2021.01.01 - 2025.12.31
Executors: Astrospectroscopy and Exoplanets Group
Scientific objective: To reveal the evolutionary changes and asteroseismic parameters of small and intermediate mass stars, to investigate characteristics of exoplanets and gradients of chemical elements in the Milky Way galaxy.
Correlation and Relativistic Effects in Complex Atoms and Ions
Principal Investigator: prof. habil. Dr. Gediminas Gaigalas, Chief Researcher
Duration: 2025.01.01 — 2029.12.31
Executors: Computational Atomic Structure Group
Scientific objective: Development of new modules for GRASP software packages; energy spectra, transition characteristics, hyperfine structure, and isotopic shift investigations for complex atoms and ions, including lanthanides and actinides.
Investigation of interactions in atoms and their systems
Principal Investigator: dr. V. Jonauskas, Chief Researcher
Duration: 2024.01.01-2028.12.31
Executors: Atomic Processes Physics Group
Scientific objective: Modelling of many-electron processes in plasma; development of photon and electron ionization methods and improvement of computational programs; study of cascades of elementary processes; study of the influence of correlation effects on processes; modelling of nanoparticle geometric structure and magnetic interactions.
Theoretical Study of light Nuclei and Elementary Particles.
Principal Investigator: dr. A. Deltuva, Chief Researcher
Duration: 2021.01.01 - 2025.12.31
Executors: Nuclear and Particle Physics Group
Scientific objective: Theoretical calculations of characteristics of nuclei and elementary particles and the comparison with experimental data. Development of mathematical physics models for the description of quantum systems.
Complex nonlinear phenomena in stochastic physical and social systems
Principal Investigator: dr. (HP) V. Gontis, Chief Researcher
Duration: 2022.01.01 - 2025.12.31
Executors: Complex Physical and Social Systems Group
Scientific objective: We aim to analyze, develop and investigate nonlinear stochastic many-particle and agent models and propose their applications to physical and social systems. We will offer new quantitative methods of properties assessment, state prognosis, and control for the investigated systems.
Optical, Kinetic and Topologic Properties of Cold Atoms and Condensed Molecular Derivatives
Principal Investigator: habil. dr. G. Juzeliūnas, Distinguished Professor, Chief Researcher
Duration: 2022.01.01 - 2026.12.31
Executors: Cold Atoms and Condensed Molecular Structures Group
Scientific objective: To investigate optical, kinetic and topological properties of condensed atomic and molecular derivatives by methods of quantum mechanics and quantum optics. To apply the obtained theoretical results to the analysis of cold atoms gas as well as for modeling and prediction of molecular derivatives.