- 1992
- World and Lithuanian researchers present the Letter of Intent for the CMS experiment at the LHC.
- 2003
- Lithuanian scientists join RD39 (CERN) collaboration.
- 2004
- CERN-Lithuania cooperation agreement is signed.
- 2007
- Lithuanian scientists join CMS (CERN) collaboration.
- 2012
- ATLAS and CMS experiments discover the Higgs boson (Nobel prize - 2013).
- 2015
- International Lithuanian community is established: Lithuanians@CERN.
- 2016
- The Government of Lithuania sends an official letter of intent of becoming an associate member state of CERN.
- 2017
- Experimental nuclear and particle physics center is established.
- 2018
- Lithuania becomes an associate member. CERN Baltic group is established. Discovery of ttH process.
- 2020
- Lithuanian industry reaches the full industrial return of the CERN associate membership.