Habil. dr. prof. Gediminas Juzeliūnas
Phone: +370 655 19 274
Institute / Center |
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy (ITPA)
Research Area |
Quantum Optics, Ultracold Atoms, Condensed Matter Physics
Present position |
Distinguished professor
Scientific Interests, Keywords |
Quantum simulations; Ultracold atoms; Quantum Optics; Synthetic gauge fields
Links to External Profile |
Most important publications |
- J. Dalibard, F. Gerbier, G. Juzeliūnas and P. Öhberg, Colloquium: Artificial gauge potentials for neutral atoms, Rev. Mod. Phys. 83,1523 (2011); 1628 citations.
- N. Goldman, G. Juzeliūnas, P. Öhberg and I. B. Spielman, Light-induced gauge fields for ultracold atoms, Rep. Prog. Phys. 77,126401 (2014); 865 citations.
- Celi, P. Massignan, J. Ruseckas, N. Goldman, I. B. Spielman, G. Juzeliūnas, and M. Lewenstein, Synthetic Gauge Fields in Synthetic Dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 043001 (2014); 482 citations.
- J. Ruseckas, G. Juzeliūnas, P. Öhberg, and M. Fleischhauer, Non-Abelian Gauge Potentials for Ultracold Atoms with Degenerate Dark States, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 010404 (2005); 459 citations.
- D. L. Campbell, G. Juzeliūnas and I. B. Spielman, Realistic Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling for neutral atoms, Phys. Rev. A 84, 025602 (2011); 230 citations.
- B. M. Anderson, G. Juzeliūnas, V. M. Galitski, and I. B. Spielman, Synthetic 3D Spin-Orbit Coupling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 235301 (2012); 174 citations.
- G. Juzeliūnas and P. Öhberg, Slow light in Degenerate Fermi gases, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 033602 (2004); 164 citations.
- B. M. Anderson, I. B. Spielman, and G. Juzeliūnas, Magnetically Generated Spin-Orbit Coupling for Ultracold Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 125301 (2013); 164 citations.
- G. Juzeliūnas, J. Ruseckas, and J. Dalibard, Generalized Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling for cold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 81, 053403 (2010); 155 citations.
Project and/or Grant leadership |
2021 – 2025:
Invited talks |
2018 – 2024:
- Invited talk at the Workshop “Control of Quantum Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules and Ensembles by Light (CAMEL19)” (Nessebar, Bulgaria, 23-28 June 2024).
- Invited talk at the Conference “28th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO28)” (Olomouc, Czech Republic, 1 - 5 July 2024).
- Invited talk at the Workshop “Collective Phenomena: From Out-of-Equilibrium Many-Body States to Bosonic Codes and Dynamical Gauge Fields” (Konstanz, Germany, 26 – 29 August 2024).
- Keynote talk at the Conference “Advanced Properties and Processes in Optoelectronic Materials and Systems (APROPOS19)” (Vilnius, Lithuania, 1 - 4 October 2024).
- Invited talk at the Workshop “The Third Taiwan-Latvia-Lithuania Workshop on Coherent Optical Control of Atomic Systems” (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 8 - 10 November 2024).
- Invited talk at the Conference „Polish-French Symposium II : Advances in the physics of ultracold matter“ (Paris, France, 31 May 2023 - 02 June 2023).
- Invited talk at the Workshop „Strongly-correlated phenomena in ultracold gases: From superfluids and supersolids to ferromagnetic states of matter“ (Warsaw, Poland, 20-22 September 2023).
- Invited talk at the International Workshop “Topology and non-equilibrium dynamics in engineered quantum systems” (Dresden, Germany, 10 – 14 October 2022).
- Invited talk at the Conference “VIII International School and Conference on Photonics – Photonica” (Belgrade, Serbia, 23 – 27 August 2021).
- Invited talk at the Conference “Physics of Quantum Electronics PQE-2020” (Snowbird, USA, 5 – 10 January 2020).
- Invited talk at the AtomQT workshop “Quantum coherent effects with ultra-cold atoms” (Belgrade, Serbia, 29 – 30 August 2019).
- Invited talk at the Conference “International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Quantum Optics II” (Hangzhou, China, 24 – 26 May 2019).
- Invited talk at the Workshop “Emergent phenomena in ultracold atoms: Merging topology, interaction, and dynamics (Beijing, China, 3 – 22 June 2019).
- Keynote talk at the Conference “SPIE Optics & Photonics” (San Diego, USA, 19 – 23 August 2018).
- Invited talk at the Conference “International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Quantum Optics” (Hangzhou, China, 23 – 25 May 2018)
- Invited talk at the Conference “Floquet Theory Workshop” (Kyoto, Japan, 14 – 18 April 2018).
- Invited talk at the Conference “American Physical Society March Meeting” (Los Angeles, USA, 5 – 9 March 2018).
- Invited talk at the Conference “Physics of Quantum Electronics PQE-2018” (Snowbird, USA, 8 – 12 January 2018).
- Invited talk at the Conference “International Conference on Quantum & Atom Optics (ICQAO–2018)” (Patna, India, 16 – 18 December 2018).
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
- Edvinas Gvozdiovas PhD studies "Subwavelength optical lattices" supervised by Gediminas Juzeliūnas (2022 - 2025).
- Tomas Andrijauskas PhD studies “Artificial Magnetic Field for Cold Atoms in Optical Lattices” supervised by Gediminas Juzeliūnas (2013-2017).
- Hamid Reza Hamedi PhD studies “Linear and Non-linear phenomena for slow lighti” supported by LRC and supervised by Gediminas Juzeliūnas (2013-2017).
Teaching Courses |
- Low Temperature Physics for Graduate students
- Quantum Optics for PhD students
Supervision of Students' Thesis |
- Diploma work by Edvinas Gvozdiovas “Optical Control of Ultracold Atoms in Subwavelength Lattices” supervised by Gediminas Juzeliūnas (2022).
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
- Board member of Lithuanian Physical Society (2022 - present)
- Board member of Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics of European Physical Society (2019-2022)
Expertise |
- Refereeing of EU projects.
- Evaluaton of a number of nominations for the Lithuanian State Prize.
- Evaluation of research proposal submitted to the State funding agencies of the Netherlands and Croatia.
- Referee of many international journals - Science, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Physical Review Letters, Reports on Progress in Physics, Nature Reviews Physics, etc.
Awards |
- True member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (since 2019)
- Jucys Prize for Theoretical Physics (2014).
- Vilnius University Rector’s award (2010, 2025).
- National State Prize for Science of Lithuania (2007).
Science popularization: scientific and educational activities |
Other activities related to the development of the country's economy, culture and society |
- Chairman of the International Conference: “Humboldt Kolleg on Synthetic quantum matter” (Vilnius, 2-6 July 2023); http://www.hk23.ff.vu.lt
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons ECAMP14 (Vilnius, July 24-29, 2022, Lithuania); www.ecamp14.org
Link to Personal website |