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Dr. Darya Meisak



Institute / Center

Institute of Applied Electrodynamics and Telecommunications (IAET)

Research Area

Physics, Materials Science

Present position

Research Fellow

Scientific Interests, Keywords

Materials technology; Dielectric spectroscopy; Composites; Electromechanical energy harvesting

Links to External Profile

Most important publications
  1. D. Meisak, A. Plyushch, M. Kinka, S. Balčiunas, V. Kalendra, S. Schaefer, ... & A. Celzard, Effect of particle size on the origin of electromechanical response in BaTiO3/PDMS nanogenerators, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 6(10) (2024), 7464-7474.
  2. D. Meisak, A. Plyushch, J. Macutkevič, R. Grigalaitis, A. Sokal, K.N. Lapko, ... & J. Banys, Effect of temperature on shielding efficiency of phosphate-bonded CoFe2O4–xBaTiO3 multiferroic composite ceramics in microwaves, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 24 (2023), 1939-1948.
  3. D. Meisak, M. Kinka, A. Plyushch, J. Macutkevic, A. Zarkov, S. Schaefer, ... & A. Celzard, Piezoelectric nanogenerators based on BaTiO3/PDMS composites for high-frequency applications, ACS Omega 8(15) (2023),13911-13919.
  4. D. Meisak, E. Gurnevich, A. Plyushch, D. Bychanok, V. Georgiev, R. Kotsilkova, P. Kuzhir, Robust design of compact microwave absorbers and waveguide matched loads based on DC-conductive 3D-printable filament, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (30) (2020) 305301.
  5. G. Spinelli, P. Lamberti, V. Tucci, R. Kotsilkova, E. Ivanov, D. Menseidov, C. Naddeo, V. Romano, L. Guadagno, R. Adami, D. Meisak, D. Bychanok and P. Kuzhir, Nanocarbon / Poly(Lactic) Acid for 3D Printing: Effect of Fillers Content on Electromagnetic and Thermal Properties, Materials 12(15) (2019), 2369.
  6. G. Spinelli, P. Lamberti, V. Tucci, R. Kotsilkova, S. Tabakova, R. Ivanova, P. Angelova, V. Angelov, E. Ivanov, R. Di Maio, C. Silvestre, D. Meisak, A. Paddubskaya and P. Kuzhir, Morphological, Rheological and Electromagnetic Properties of Nanocarbon/Poly(lactic) Acid for 3D Printing: Solution Blending vs. Melt Mixing, Materials 11(11) (2018) 2256.
  7. D. Bychanok, P. Angelova, A. Paddubskaya, D. Meisak, L. Shashkova, M. Demidenko, A. Plyushch, E. Ivanov, R. Krastev, R. Kotsilkova, F. Y. Ogrin and P. Kuzhir, Terahertz absorption in graphite nanoplatelets/polylactic acid composites, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51(14) (2018) 145307.
  8. D. Bychanok, S. Li, G. Gorokhov, K. Piasotski, D. Meisak, P. Kuzhir, E.A. Burgess, C. P. Gallagher, F. Y. Ogrin, A.P. Hibbins, A. Pasc, A. Sanchez-Sanchez, V. Fierro, and A. Celzard, Fully carbon metasurface: Absorbing coating in microwaves, Journal of Applied Physics 121(16) (2017) 165103.
  9. D. Bychanok, G. Gorokhov, D. Meisak, P. Kuzhir, S. Maksimenko, Y. Wang, Z. Han, X. Gao and H. Yue, Design of Carbon Nanotube-Based Broadband Radar Absorber for Ka-Band Frequency Range, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M 53 (2017) 9-16.
  10. D. Bychanok, G. Gorokhov, D. Meisak, A. Plyushch, P. Kuzhir, A. Sokal, K. Lapko, A. Sanchez-Sanchez, V. Fierro, A. Celzard, C. Gallagher, A. P. Hibbins, F. Y. Ogrin and C. Brosseu, Exploring carbon nanotubes/BaTiO3/Fe3O4 nanocomposites as microwave absorbers, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C 66 (2016) 77-85.
  • S-PD-22-90 "Flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators based on BaTiO3/PDMS composites"



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