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Dr. Laura Baliulytė



Institute / Center

Institute of Chemical Physics (ICP)

Research Area

Chemical physics, Computational chemistry, Molecular modelling

Present position

Research fellow

Scientific Interests, Keywords
Molecular aggregation; Molecular self-assembly; Quantum chemistry; Theoretical chemistry; Stereochemistry; High-performance computing
Links to External Profile

Project and/or Grant leadership

2024 12 11- 2025 06 11 ‘‘Molecular dynamics of TPPS4 aggregates” (EHPC-DEV-2024D11-038). EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Development Access.

HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme

Expertise    Member of national HPC competences center (NCC) of Lithuania (2023-)
Science popularization: scientific and educational activities  
Participating in event of "Tyrėjų naktis"
Link to Personal website

Most important publications
  1. Baliulyte, L., Abramavicius, D., Bagdonas, S., Kalnaityte, A., Poderys, V., Rotomskis, R., & Barzda, V. (2023). Comparative quantum chemical and spectral characterization of meso-tetra (4-sulfonatophenyl) porphine forms as seeds for J-and H-aggregates. AIP Advances, 13(10).
  2. Tamuliene J., Romanova L., Vukstich V., Papp A., Baliulyte L., Snegursky A. The impact of low-energy ionizing radiation on glutamine. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2019; 444.
  3. Baliulyte L., Tamuliene J., On the influence of water on fragmentation of the amino acid L- threonine. Open physics 2019; 17(1):250-262.
  4. Tamuliene J., Romanova L., Vukstich V., Papp A., Baliulyte L., Snegursky A., On the influence of low-energy ionizing radiation on the amino acid molecule: valine. Lithuanian Journal of Physics 2018; 58(2).
  5. Tamuliene J., Romanova L., Vukstich V., Papp A., Shkurin S., Baliulyte L., & Snegursky A. On the influence of low-energy ionizing radiation on the amino acid molecule: proline. The European Physical Journal D 2016;70(6):1-10.



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