Dr. Aidas Matijošius
Phone: +370 523 66 020
Institute / Center |
Laser Research Center (LRC)
Research Area |
Natural Sciences, Physics
Present position |
Professor, Dean of Faculty of Physics
Scientific Interests, Keywords |
Singular optics, Complex light structures: their linear and nonlinear transformations, Nonlinear optics, Diagnostics of spatial-temporal light structures
Most important publications |
- V.Jarutis, A.Matijošius, P.Di Trapani and A.Piskarskas, „Spiraling zero-order Bessel beam“ Opt. Lett., V.34, p. 2129–2131 (2009).
- A.Matijošius, V. Jarutis and A.Piskarskas, “Generation and control of the spiraling zero-order Bessel beam”, Opt. Express, V.18, p. 8767–8771 (2010).
- A.Matijošius, P.Stanislovaitis, T.Gertus, V.Smilgevičius, „Formation of optical vortices with topological charge l =1 and l =1/2 by use of the S-waveplate”, Opt. Commun., V.324, p. 1–9 (2014).
- A.Matijošius, P.Stanislovaitis, T.Gertus, V.Smilgevičius, „Formation of second order optical vortices with a radial polarization converter using the double-pass technique”, Opt. Commun., V.349, p. 24–30 (2015).
- P.Stanislovaitis, M.Ivanov, A.Matijošius, V.Smilgevičius, T.Gertus, „Generation of radially polarized beams and higher order polarization singularities by optical parametric amplification of optical vortices, Opt. Engineering, V.56, p. 095101–1 – 095101–8 (2017).
- P.Stanislovaitis, A.Matijošius, M.Ivanov, V.Smilgevičius, “Topological charge transformation of beams with embedded fractional phase step in the process of second harmonic generation“, Journal of Opt., V.19, p. 105603 (6pp) (2017).
- M.Gecevicius, M.Ivanov, M.Beresna, A.Matijosius, V.Tamuliene, T.Gertus, A.Cerkauskaite, K.Redeckas, M.Vengris, V.Smilgevicius, and P.G.Kazansky, “Toward the generation of broadband optical vortices: extending the spectral range of a q-plate by polarization-selective filtering”, JOSA B, V.1, p. 190–196 (2018).
- M.Ivanov, A.Matijosius and V.Tamuliene, “Improving purity of the radially polarized beam generated by a geometric phase retarder with spatially variable retardance“, App. Opt., V.59, p. 1618-1626 (2020).
- O.Balachninaitė, J.Skruibis, A.Matijošius and V.Vaičaitis, „Temporal and spatial properties of plasma induced by infrared femtosecond laser pulses in air“, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., V.31, p. 045001 (7pp) (2022).
- R.Levinas, A.Grigucevičienė, T.Kubilius, A.Matijošius, L.Tamašauskaitė-Tamašiūnaitė, H.Cesiulis and E.Norkus, „Femtosecond Laser-Ablated Copper Surface as a Substrate for a MoS 2-Based Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalyst“, Materials, V.15, p. 3926 (2022).
Project and/or Grant leadership |
High Technology Development Program 2007-2013: project "Conical Wave technologies" (ConTeX), 2008 – 2010 years. Project manager
Laserlab-Europe V, 2019 – 2023. Project manager (VU LRC part)
Invited talks |
Matijošius A., Piskarskas A., Smilgevičius V., Tamošauskas G., “Vortex pumped optical parametric amplification”, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS 2002), Long Beach, USA, May, 2002. Technical Digest, p. 50-51.
P. Di Trapani, G. Valiulis, A. Piskarskas, O. Jedrkiewicz, J. Trull, S. Trillo, C. Conti, A. Matijosus, and M. Porras, “X-waves: a spatio-temporal localization between linear and non-linear optics”, “Non-linear and transverse optics” symposium of the German Physical Society, Hannover (2003)
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
Ssupervisor of PhD student Maksym Ivanov 2015 – 2019. The dissertation was successfully defended 24-09-2019
Teaching Courses |
Optics (LT and EN)
Prepared courses:
• „Modern optics“ (lithuanian)
• „Optics and atomic physics“ (lithuanian)
• „Optics“ (english)
• „Optics“ (lithuanian)
Supervision of Students' Thesis |
Was a supervisor of more than 10 Student Thesis
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
Delegate of the Lithuania to ELI ERIC General Assambly, Board member of Lithuanian Laser Association
Member of the master's theses commission at Vilnius Gediminas technical university (VILNIUS TECH) (2018 - 2022)
The Chairman of the Defence Panel for the defence of the doctoral dissertations:
- Ieva Pipinytė (2020-07-03) Vilnius University
- Lina Mažulė (2020-12-18) Vilnius University
- Rosvaldas Šuminas (2021-01-29) Vilnius University
- Linas Jonušauskas (2021-03-26) Vilnius University
- Agnė Šuminienė (2021-07-18) Vilnius University
- Ernesta Bužavaitė - Vertelienė (2022-09-23) Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
- Balys Momgaudis (2022-09-30) Vilnius University
Member of the Defence Panel for the defence of the doctoral dissertations:
- Simas Butkus (2020-02-14) Vilnius University
- Giedrius Sinkevičius (2021-11-09) Vilnius Gediminas technical university (VILNIUS TECH)
Expertise |
Expert activity in the evaluation of projects submitted to the Latvian Science Council.
Peer review of articles for scientific journals:
• „Optical Review“
• „Optics & Laser Technology”
• „Optical Engineering“
• „Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications“
Science popularization: scientific and educational activities |
Coordinator of OSA Student chapter at VU FofP
Other activities related to the development of the country's economy, culture and society |
Delegate of the Lithuania to ELI ERIC General Assambly