Dr. Stepas Toliautas
Phone: +370 522 34 661
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stepas-toliautas/
Institute / Center
Institute of Chemical Physics (ICP)
Research Area
Computational chemical physics, quantum chemistry
Present position
Associate Professor
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Quantum chemistry
Electronic excitations
Potential energy surfaces
Density functional theory
High-performance computing
AI applications in physical sciences
Links to External Profile
Most important publications
S. Toliautas, J. Sulskus, L. Valkunas, and M. Vengris, “Quantum chemical studies of photochromic properties of benzoxazine compound,” Chemical Physics, 404, 64-73, 2012.
A. Kadashchuk, Y. Skryshevski, A. Vakhnin, S. Toliautas, J. Sulskus, R. Augulis, V. Gulbinas, S. Nespurek, J. Genoe, and L. Valkunas, “Highly efficient intrinsic phosphorescence from a sigma-conjugated poly(silylene) polymer,” Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, 118(40), 22923-22934, 2014.
S. Toliautas, J. Dodonova, A. Žvirblis, I. Čiplys, A. Polita, A. Devižis, S. Tumkevičius, J. Šulskus, and A. Vyšniauskas, “Enhancing the viscosity-sensitive range of a BODIPY molecular rotor by two orders of magnitude,” Chemistry – A European Journal, 25(44), 10342-10349, 2019.
A. Polita, S. Toliautas, R. Žvirblis, and A. Vyšniauskas, “The effect of solvent polarity and macromolecular crowding on the viscosity sensitivity of a molecular rotor BODIPY-C10,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(16), 8296-8303, 2020.
K. Maleckaitė, J. Dodonova, S. Toliautas, R. Žilėnaitė, D. Jurgutis, V. Karabanovas, S. Tumkevičius, and A. Vyšniauskas, “Designing a Red-Emitting Viscosity-Sensitive BODIPY Fluorophore for Intracellular Viscosity Imaging,” Chemistry – A European Journal, 27(67), 16768-16775, 2021.
K. Maleckaitė, D. Narkevičius, R. Žilėnaitė, J. Dodonova-Vaitkūnienė, S. Toliautas, S. Tumkevičius, and A. Vyšniauskas, “Give or Take: Effects of Electron-Accepting/-Withdrawing Groups in Red-Fluorescent BODIPY Molecular Rotors,” Molecules, 27(1), p. 23 (1-14), 2022.
Invited talks
Speeding up numerical simulations: from a single thread to a compute node and beyond (2nd EuroCC Vilnius Workshop on Using HPC, 2024)
Scaling the hardware zoo: user-side timings of common quantum chemistry routines (EuroCC Workshop and Training on Using HPC, 2022)
Artificial intelligence: Path to prosperity or portent? (Cafe Scientifique hosted by Open Readings 2019, LT)
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
(2022 – present) R. Garbačauskas, "Enhancing quantum-chemical models by machine-learning based data analysis"
(2022 – 2024) D. Palinauskas, "Factoring of the molecular surroundings into theoretical potential-energy surface model of photoactive compounds and their effect on the model-based estimates of measurable parameters"
Teaching Courses
Physical Kinetics
Computational Chemistry
Numerical Methods
Parallel Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Supervision of Students' Thesis
(2024, LT) D. Narkevičius, "A Model of Photoactive Molecular Sensor in Cell Membrane",
(2022, LT) D. Palinauskas, "Effects of Rotating Hydrocarbon Group on the Electronic Properties of the BODIPY Rotor",
(2021, LT) D. Janonis, "Analysis of Clusters in the M51 Galaxy Using Convolutional Neural Network",
(2020, LT) D. Liupševičius, "Automatic Control of Laser Beam Expander Settings Using Artificial Neural Network".
Bachelors: 6 theses (2013-2024).
Workshop "Best practices in HPC training" (2022 – 2024, co-instructor)
National HPC competences center (NCC) of Lithuania (2020 – present)
IPhO 2021 exam evaluator
Science popularization: scientific and educational activities
Academic mentor (VU / idialogue, 2018 – present)
Commentary on the 2024 Nobel prize in Physics (LT, link)
Broad-audience introduction into the research of fluorescent viscosity sensors (TV, 2020)
Children University: science lessons for primary-schoolers (Ignalina, 2019)
On the successes (and occasional failures) of artificial intelligence (TV, 2016)
Vacuuming the maze and related search of the artificial intelligence (talk, Vilnius, 2014)
Link to Personal website