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Habil. dr. Gediminas Gaigalas Phone: +370 674 39 439 |
Institute / Center |
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy (ITPA) |
Research Area |
Multi-electron atomic theory, spectroscopy. Modelling of contemporary atomic theory problems based on usual and symbolic programming. |
Present position |
Chief Researcher |
Scientific Interests, Keywords |
Atomic theory, Spin-angular integration in atomic theory, Atomic structure calculations, Configuration interaction, Correlations, Dirac theory, Energy levels, Multiconfiguration Dirac–Hartree–Fock, Relativistic configuration interaction. |
Links to External Profile | |
Most important publications |
Jönsson, P.; Gaigalas, G.; Bieron, J.; et al., “New version: GRASP2K relativistic atomic structure package”. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2013 184. 2197. Fischer, C.F.; Tachiev, G.; Gaigalas, G.; et al., “An MCHF atomic-structure package for large-scale calculations”. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2007 176. 559. Fischer, C.F.; Godefroid, M.; Brage, T.; Jönsson, P.; Gaigalas, G., “Advanced multiconfiguration methods for complex atoms: I. Energies and wave functions”. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B, ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 2016 49. 182004. Fritzsche, S.; Fischer, C.F.; Gaigalas, G., “RELCI: A program for relativistic configuration interaction calculations”. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2002 148. 103. Gaigalas, G.; Rudzikas, Z.; Fischer, C.F., “An efficient approach for spin-angular integrations in atomic structure calculations”. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B, ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS. 1997 30. 3747. |
Project and/or Grant leadership |
Lithuanian-Japanese project Theoretical Studies of Structure and Properties of Heavy Elements Toward Identification of Gravitational Wave Sources (funded by Research Council of Lithuania (S-LJB-18-1)). Supervisors: Prof. Dr. G. Gaigalas, research group: Dr. P. Rynkun, Dr. L. Radžiūtė. 2018–2020. |
Invited talks |
Challenges of theoretical spectroscopy of heavy elements toward identification of gravitational wave sources (The 13th International Colloquium on atomic Spectra and Oscilators Strengths for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas (ASOS 2019)). Challenges of theoretical spectroscopy of heavy and superheavy atoms and ions (PR-7). (Seventh International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA 2010)). |
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
Supervision of Doctorial Students: L. Radžiūtė. 2016 (academic advisor, Vilnius University, Lithuania). J. Grumer. 2016 (consultant, Lund University, Sweden). P. Rynkun. 2013 (academic advisor, Vilnius University, Lithuania). O. Sharf. 2006 (consultant, Vilnius University, Lithuania). T. Žalandauskas. 2004 (consultant, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania). Postdoc Students: L. Radžiūtė 2020-2022. P. Rynkun 2017-2019. |
Teaching Courses |
Course books: Jonauskas, V., Gaigalas, G. (2012). Atomo ir branduolio fizikos uždavinynas. (Tasks in Atomic and Nuclear Physics). Vilnius: LEU. Lapeika, V., Gaigalas, G. (2011). Atomo ir branduolio fizikos laboratoriniai darbai (Labs in Atomic and Nuclear Physics). Vilnius: VPU. Audzijonis, A., Gaigalas, G., Žigas, L., Žaltauskas, R., Tamulienė, E., Pauliukas, A. (2007). Fizikinis eksperimentas Kietojo kūno optikos mokslinėje laboratorijoje (Physical Experiment in Research Laboratory of Solid Body Optics). Vilnius: VPU. Gaigalas, G., Audzijonis, A., Lapeika, V. (2004). Jonizuojančios spinduliuotės tyrimas (Research in Ionized Radiation). Vilnius: Valga. Audzijonis, A., Gaigalas, G., Kalibata, G., Paulikas, V. (2003). Optikos laboratoriniai darbai (Labs in Optics). Vilnius: Gilija. Teaching at BSc level 2001–2012 A course “General Physics: Atomic and Nuclear Physics” (3 ECTS) (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). Teaching at MSc level: 2018 – A course “Theory of Atoms” (2.5 ECTS) (Vilnius University). 2008–2013 A course “Quantum Chemistry” (4 ECTS) (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). 2010–2013 A course “Theory of Atoms and Molecules” (4 ECTS) (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). 2008–2013 A course “Symbolic Programming in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics” (3 ECTS) (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). Teaching at PhD level: 2005– A course “Analytical Calculations Using Computer Algebra Systems” (5 ECTS) (Vilnius University, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). 2005–2017 A course “Second Quantization, Quasispin and Isospin in the Theory of an Atom” (5 ECTS) (Vilnius University). 2005–2013 A course “Calculations of Atomic Characteristics” (5 ECTS) (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). 2005–2013 A course “Theoretical Spectroscopy of Atoms (5 ECTS) (Vilnius University, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). |
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc. |
• Editorial board member of the journal Atoms (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/atoms/editors) • Board member of international research group “The International Collaboration on Computational Atomic Structure” (http://ddwap.mah.se/tsjoek/compas/). 2015–2017 Chairman of Council, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius University. 2010–2017 Member of Council, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius University. 2008 Chairman of Habilitation Commission of Dr. A. Kiveris (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). 2007 Member of Habilitation Procedure Committee of Dr. Palmira Pečiuliauskienė (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). 2004–2008 Expert of Study Programs in Physics, Quality Assessment Center of Lithuania. 2004 Chairman of Habilitation Commission of Dr. R. Vaišnoras (Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, formerly Vilnius Pedagogical University). 2003–2008 Expert of Lithuanian Council of Science. 2003–2008 Member of the Committee “Cooperation of Business, Education and Training” of Lithuanian Council of Science. 1997–2002 Member of Scientific Board, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy. 1997–2002 Member of Self-assessment Commission, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy. 1991–1993 Scientific Secretary, Lithuanian Society of Physics. |
Awards | 2022 The Adolfas Jucys Award of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences for the series of works “Second quantization and additional symmetries in atomic physics: theory and applications. 2018 Vilnius University Rector's science award. 2014 The Research Award of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences 2013 in the field of physics for the series of works “Development and Application of Methods in Atomic Theory (1998-2012)” together with colleagues Prof. P. Bogdanovic and Dr. A. Kupliauskienė from Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University. 2007 The Title of Guest Professor of Lanzhou Northwest Normal University (China). 2005 The Letter of Appreciation from the President of Lithuania. 2004 The Letter of Appreciation from the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania “For the genuine work of engaging students in research and training them for the National Competition of Young Scientists”. 2004 The Letter of Appreciation from Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science “For good preparation of students for the National Competition of Young Scientists”. 1991 The Prize from the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences for the best young scientist work of 1990 “The Tensor Form of Stationary Perturbation Theory and its Application to the Atoms and Ions which Have Open Shells” in the fields of mathematics, physics and chemistry. 1991 A State Scholarship of a Young Scientist. |
Science popularization: scientific and educational activities |
Iš čia kylame į žvaigždes: pakeliui į naujos mokslinių tyrimų srities vystymą – Fizikos fakultetas (vu.lt) (https://www.ff.vu.lt/mokslo-ir-studiju-naujienos/682-is-cia-kylame-i-zvaigzdes-pakeliui-i-naujos-moksliniu-tyrimu-srities-vystyma) VU TFAI mokslininkų straipsnis – pasaulyje pripažintame astrofizikos žurnale – Vilniaus universitetas (http://naujienos.vu.lt/vu-tfai-mokslininku-straipsnis-pasaulyje-pripazintame-astrofizikos-zurnale/) プレスリリース / 自然科学研究機構 核融合科学研究所 (nifs.ac.jp) (https://www.nifs.ac.jp/news/press-o/190221.html) Press Release / National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) (https://www.nifs.ac.jp/en/news/press-o/190312e.html) 核融合科学と天文学の協力で解き明かす、宇宙の重元素の起源 | 国立天文台(NAOJ) (https://www.nao.ac.jp/news/science/2019/20190221-cfca.html) Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Enables Investigation of the Origin of Heavy Elements | NAOJ: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan – English (https://www.nao.ac.jp/en/news/science/2019/20190312-cfca.html) 中性子星合体からの光を分析する世界最高精度の原子データの構築 ―核融合科学と天文学の協力で重元素の起源を紐解く― | CfCA – Center for Computational Astrophysics (nao.ac.jp) Fusion Science and Astronomy Collaboration Enables Investigation of the Origin of Heavy Elements | CfCA – Center for Computational Astrophysics (nao.ac.jp) (https://www.cfca.nao.ac.jp/pr/20190221) Fusion science and astronomy collaboration enables investigation of the origin of heavy elements | EurekAlert! Science News (https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/785084) SPECTRUM30_el_versija.pdf (vu.lt) (http://naujienos.vu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/SPECTRUM30_el_versija.pdf) Labai mažos žvaigždės – labai didelio mokslo proveržio šaltinis – LRT (https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/mokslas-ir-it/11/1101462/labai-mazos-zvaigzdes-labai-didelio-mokslo-proverzio-saltinis) Labai mažos žvaigždės – labai didelio mokslo proveržio šaltinis | VU naujienos (http://naujienos.vu.lt/labai-mazos-zvaigzdes-labai-didelio-mokslo-proverzio-saltinis/) |