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Project is funded by the European Social Fund, project code No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0013, the Grant is administered by the Lithuanian Research Council

The main goal of the project is to carry out the phenomenological research on a very little researched model that potentially can explain some fundamental unanswered questions in neutrino physics. This model is called the Grimus-Neufeld model. Unique features of this model are the two competing neutrino mass generation mechanisms and a relatively low number of additional particles that are postulated to exist beyond the Standard Model. This means that the model is quite restrictive. However, to actually see these restrictions, one should analyze the model at least in the one loop approximation, which makes phenomenological parameter scans not trivial.

During this project, we will pursue a phenomenological study of this model and restrict the parameters of the model using the available experimental neutrino data. We will achieve this by using the generalized tool FlexibleSUSY. As a research group in Dresden Technical University is developing this tool, we will enhance the collaboration with them by research visits.

Duration: 2020-09-14 – 2022-09-13
Postdoctoral fellow: dr. Vytautas Dūdėnas
Supervisor: assoc. prof. dr. Thomas Gajdosik

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